Home learning for Maths this week has been set on Mathletics continuing to focus on Fractions. Letters have been sent home explaining the new system and login details. All of Year Four have now had a lesson on Mathletics. In addition to this, please continue to practise your time tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. Aim to move up a level by the end of the term, only 3 more Friday’s left!
Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night, we have noticed that our results have continued to fall! Which class can read for the most amount of minutes, Chestnut or Birch? Ensure that you are recording and signing your child’s reading record on a Wednesday evening and they have their reading record in school daily.
SPAG home learning this week is focusing on the use of commas.
Weekly spellings have been updated in your reading records (Birch) please ensure that these are learnt and will be tested next Thursday.
Thanks for your continued Support.
Year 4 team.