Week commencing 30th January 2017

This week is assessment week.


Congratulations to all Kites that became rocket stars last week. Keep up the good behaviour and work.


Mathletics – There are lots of activities that pupils can use on the website. All children should now have a login to the system. So far, it appears that only a few children seem to have logged onto Mathletics.


Mathletics is a weekly homework task and students’ results contribute to a school wide display board and an inter school challenge with other schools around the world. If anyone has forgotten their password or needs help with how to login, please see Mrs Storti or Mr Ramsden.


Times Tables – a reminder that times tables should be practised weekly as tests for the Bronze, Silver and Gold challenges will become more regular.


On Thursday, we are participating in the school curriculum fayre where parents and carers can find out more about how we teach maths and English. If you can attend it would be good to see you there.