Home Learning 26.05.17 (Due in 07.06.17).
As we approach the end of Term 5 we would like to thank you for your support with reading and times tables. Please continue to support your child at home with their times tables and reading. We are still aiming to get EVERY CHILD TO AT LEAST GOLD LEVEL TIMES TABLES BY THE END OF TERM 6 (7 MORE ATTEMPTS TO GO).
Over the half term please look at the year 3/4 spelling list (copies provided just in case you have lost yours). Continue to read daily for the summer reading challenge.
Finally, please log on to Mathletics and complete any outstanding work.
We hope you have a wonderful break and come refreshed and ready to learn. Wow we can’t believe how quick this year has gone already!
As we are now in the summer term we would kindly ask you to make sure your child has a water bottle, sun hat and (cream if required) in school as we are unable to provide drinking cups due to hygiene reasons.
On a final note, please ensure your child’s named PE kit is in school at all times so they do not miss out on the opportunity to participate in sporting activities.
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 4 team.