Wellbeing Day Project

Today, we had the first of our 6 wellbeing days.  In Beech class, we spent some time refreshing our memories about our environmental activist, Greta Thunberg. We were inspired by her passion for the environment and wanted to do something for ourselves that will make a difference to the world. We looked at the UN Global Goals and started thinking about Global Goal 15 – Life on Land.

We are going to create shelters to encourage helpful bugs and animals and increase biodiversity around the school. We want to include information panels to tell people about the school and what creatures the different parts of our shelters are designed to attract. We spent the day creating our design briefs, either on our own or in groups.

Everyone came up with fantastic ideas which we can take forward to our next Wellbeing day in November. We were really pleased when Mr Dale came in to see what we were doing. He told us he’d ask our site team to help with the construction phase of the project and that he’d get our information boards made professionally too! We are very excited for next time…