Severe Weather Announcements

We will always endeavour to keep our school open in the event of snow/ severe weather.  However, should our heating fail, the site be unsafe or insufficient staff be able to travel, we would have to make the decision to close.

Parents/ carers have a responsibility to get their child to and from school safely and need to decide if the journey is safe when severe weather affects transport links and/or walking conditions.  Parents/carers should inform school if their child/children are absent from school due to severe weather conditions.  If your child has a disability your decision to make the journey must take this into consideration.

If conditions worsen during the school day and parents/carers feel it is absolutely necessary to collect children, the school should be contacted prior to collection.

How we will let you know if the school is closed?

  • A text sent via ParentMail will be sent to the main contact
  • An announcement on
  • An announcement via the schools Twitter page @St_Nicholas_CEP
  • Listen to the following Radio Stations; Radio Kent, Heart Radio or KMFM

We will endeavour to make any announcements before 8.00am, depending upon the circumstances.

What can you do to help?

  • Please visit  for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey.
  • If the school is open, please walk your child(ren) to school.  If this is not possible, please make arrangements to car share and drive carefully.
  • Please ensure children are wearing warm clothing - gloves, hat, scarf, wellies and even maybe extra socks!  School shoes are also needed.

Your support and understanding during such periods of inclement weather would be much appreciated.