Aquila (‘The Trust’) is the Diocese of Canterbury’s Multi-Academy Trust Limited (MAT), and was incorporated as a charitable company limited by guarantee in May 2014 (Company number 09035788).
St Nicholas is a Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary Academy, for children aged 4 to 11. We are a co-educational day school which serves the town of New Romney and the villages of the Romney Marsh.
As of 01 June 2016 we became an Academy under the Diocese of Canterbury’s Academy Trust (Aquila). Our acts or worship reflect Anglican beliefs, practices and values and we strive to maintain a distinctive Christian ethos and feel to our school.
The Aquila Trust which we joined, was imagined and planned to enable flexibility and responsiveness to local context and needs. We are reflective and forward thinking so our organisational structures will evolve as appropriate, influenced by geography, existing collaborative networks and the pace of academy conversions.
The Aquila Articles support a model which unleashes potential, enabling us to;
- deliver positive, immediate support and interventions through our own expertise and established consultant partners, as well as wider regional connections
- enhance learning and teaching by engaging in collaborative pedagogical projects, action research and professional development with Christ Church University
- encourage and nurture the dissemination of good practice and promote mutual accountability
- enable focused, effective local governance and secure options for centralised functions and economies of scale
- incorporate community as well as church schools
Initially starting with one Academy, the Trust grew rapidly and we currently have 12 academies across Kent. Schools have joined for a variety of reasons; some as a result of difficult Ofsted inspections while others have elected to convert as a result of the impact of our work and our school improvement offer. Each school within the trust embodies our values and collaborates: sharing practice and using the expertise from across the trust to develop, refine and improve teaching and learning.
Our approach to all aspects of school improvement has continued to evolve. Everyone working in our academies strives to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children in our care and that goes beyond the classroom. The trust model of collaborative working to find solutions to problems covers all areas including leadership, site and business management and governance.
To find out more about the Aquila group of Academies & schools please click here
Financial information about Aquila, including the gender pay gap report and most recent copy of the company accounts can be found here.