Phonics Screening

Parent meeting about the Phonics Screening Test tomorrow!

8:15am and 2:30pm Children welcome to come too..

Here is an amazing resource, register for free and practise reading words at home 🙂

Look at the RWI page on the school website and on Class Dojo for more resources and games to play at home too!

Multiplying by 2 and 5

This week we have introduced multiplication through repeated addition for example: 5+5+5 = 15, some children have moved on to using the multiplication sign, and others have worked on ‘groups of’. All of the children have worked really hard, look at some of the arrays and different methods we have used to introduce this new topic!

Print Making

As part of our building topic this term we have been looking at different materials and textures. On Friday the children learnt how to make a print, we had lots of discussions about prints they had made before, from potato printing in Reception, to dad’s printing things at home!

They were delighted to make their own prints from polystyrene to represent the different materials and textures found on the 3 little pigs houses, they then used rollers to spread the paint and printed onto card. Next week we are going to use these to make our own house pictures.

Fun Factory

Over the last two weeks Year 1/2 have been able to join Shepway Sports Trust for a jam-packed hour of sporting activities.

The children needed to balance, jump, run and move as well as throw and catch. They had a great time with the Shepway  Team!

Have a look at the photos..


Volume adVentures!

We made the most of the fantastic start to Spring by exploring volume. Year One learnt how to measure using cups, spoons and some began identifying millilitres!

Have a look at the great time we had. What can you measure at home?

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a delightful Easter break, the sunshine has begun and we are really excited about the term ahead!

Tomorrow we are welcoming Ivor Goodsite to Year One as the opening to our topic about Buildings, we are going to learn about construction and how to keep safe, the children will be able to ask questions and meet the famous Ivor!

Here is a fantastic website to have a look at with your children, there are many fun activities to do.

Kids Zone

We will be uploading our Term 5 letter soon and our new homework grid… keep posted!

Wishing you a very Happy Easter

As the term draws to a close we look back at all the learning we have done and all that we have achieved, not to mention the exciting events that have taken place… Jeremy Strong, Snow and blizzards, Mother’s Day, lots of food tasting and baking, decorating and not to forget our Easter Bonnet Parade at church tomorrow, 9:30am we’d love to see you all there 🙂

Have an amazing Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back on 16th April

What does bread look like around the world?

Our topic this term has been ‘We are What we Eat’ to expand our taste buds and explore our senses we investigated what bread looked like in different countries. We tried Naan, baguettes, soda bread, tortilla wraps and pitta breads! Can your child remember where they all came from?

The Soda bread from Ireland was a real hit in Badgers – try it at home this Easter holiday!

Phonics Screening

Thanks to the parents who came to join us for the Year 1 phonics screening meeting on Thursday.

If you were unable to attend the powerpoint and details are here:

phonics screening meeting for parents thumbnail of Year-1-Phonics-Screening – parent guide

Here are some further resources for you to use to support your children at home.

If you have any further questions please ask your class teacher!