Week 4

This week has been all about 2D shapes, we have been on hunts and learnt lots about different shapes, how to sort them and explain why!

We used lots of different methods to learn about shape, from finding them in the environment to using bee-bots to describe and name them.

This week has also been road safety week, we made different houses from the Jolly Postman and then learnt about how to cross the road safely.

Week 3

This week we were lucky to have a visit from Maddison’s dad, who came to Year 1 to tell us all about his current job as a nurse and previous career as an illustrator.

To make this visit even more exciting he told us about his visits in the community, how to clean wounds and protect himself. But he also taught us about our hearts, how they pump blood around our bodies to spread oxygen, but even more amazing… he bought in a cows heart!!! It was enormous and an amazing experience for the children!

Thank you so much 🙂

Week 2

We can’t believe it’s only two weeks into term. Thank you so much for all your kind donations towards the home-clothes day, raising money for the Year 5 project on our playgrounds!

This week:

In maths we have been learning about the inverse, making the links between addition and subtraction. We are as always using our manipulatives to help us for example:

In English we have been learning how to ask questions, we have linked this to our work on the Jolly Postman. The children wrote questions that they’d like to ask the Jolly Postman, and on Friday they wrote postcards, like the one that Jack wrote to the Giant in the story.

In topic/science we have looked at the houses linked to the Jolly Postman and thought about the different materials that they were made from. Next week we will be looking into materials more closely!

The children loved the firework pictures they completed on the laptops  – they will be on display outside our classrooms, so keep an eye out for them when you are next in school. Here is one example from each class:

Next week we are going to have some visits from parents to talk to us about their jobs, this links to the children’s topic ‘A Day in the Life’ we can’t wait to find out about some of the jobs, and if you feel you can come in and talk to the children about what you do please contact Miss Common (scommon@st-nicholas-newromney.kent.sch.uk) – the more the merrier.

Don’t forget that Tuesday is -odd socks day as part of anti-bullying week, and on Friday we will be wearing our own clothes to raise money for Children in Need.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Miss Reynolds and Miss Common

Fire Service Visit

We were really lucky to have Kent Fire and Rescue Service visit us on Tuesday.

The children learnt about the role of a fire fighter, we saw what protective clothing they have to wear and how they keep safe.

We also learnt some rhymes to help keep us safe…

Matches, lighters

never touch

They can hurt you

very much

We also learnt that every week we should check our smoke detectors, so that when we are sleeping they can be our eyes and our noses and detect fire for us!

Keep your family safe from harm

Have a working smoke alarm

Both classes then tested materials as part of our science topic this term to find out which material would be the best for a fireman’s hose!

Days of the week

We have been learning the days of the week as part of our Mental Maths lessons this week.

Can you remember the song and use it to help you remember which day comes next?

Have fun with this game too….


Remember to log on and play the games set on Mathletics 🙂

Ugly Bug Ball

Well.. What a way to end the term!

We had a great last day, the children decorated their t-shirts, made some bug foods and we then spent the afternoon enjoying all our hard work from the morning 🙂

We had a surprise visit from our very own hungry caterpillar who came to check that we had remembered all the sounds we had learnt this term. The children had bubbles to enjoy the sunshine outside and then we practised our butterfly dancing (amongst other insects) with Miss Durham.

Thank you to all the parents who supported us by bringing in t-shirts.

Have a great Half term break.

End of Term Celebrations

We can’t believe that next week is the last of this term!

To celebrate our topic this term we are going to have an Ugly Bug Ball.

A ParentMail message went out last week asking for old plain t-shirts. We are going to make costumes and food, and dance like insects on Friday. Please make sure that the T-shirt is old as we will be decorating it!!

If you have balloons or anything else that could decorate our classrooms we’d really appreciate it  – Thank you!!

Mathletics Champions this week…

This week we have begun our online-maths activities.

Your teachers will set you tasks to do at home on a tablet or computer. You can ask your parents / siblings for help if you need it.

After you have completed the tasks set you’re able to log on and compete through ‘live mathletics’ with other pupils from around the world. It is one of the best ways at learning number bonds and improving the speed at which you can recall facts.

The king of Mathletics for this week is: Harry Clements (Badgers Class)

The queen of Mathletics for this week is: Milli-Grace Spencer-Rogers (Otters  Class)

Well done 🙂

RWI parents meeting KS1 / EYFS

Just a reminder that there is a Read Write Inc meeting on Tuesday 17th October at 2pm where you will have the opportunity to learn more about Read Write Inc and how the partnerships will support your child in their learning. The workshop will be run by a member of the Read Write Inc Team and Miss Common (Badgers teacher) and will build on the introductory sessions from the start of the school year.

Tea and coffee will be provided to those who attend. We look forward to seeing many of you there.