St Nic’s has got Talent

Does your son or daughter have a fabulous skill that they’d love to share with the rest of the school?

On Monday we will be having class auditions for St Nic’s has got talent…. we can’t wait to hear some fantastic singing, watch amazing dancing, or be stunned by magic tricks!

Have a look at our powerpoint..

st nics has talent

Week 3 of school saw the whole of St Nicholas dress up on Monday to celebrate the start of our very own book week.

The children were really lucky to meet Brian Moses, they explored some of his famous poems and wrote their own, with his support during their Year One workshop with him. He was extremely popular and I know many children were excited to buy a book of the poems they enjoyed, and he kindly stayed behind after school to sign all of the books sold.

We made our own riddles and performed poetry over the week.

On Friday we were joined by Charlie Wilson who explained to use the history and secret of ‘krick-krack’ (Storytelling). The children were enthralled for the hour, joining in with sounds and actions as we learnt the story of the Honey Mouse.

Phonics – We hope you’re enjoying your pack over the holidays!



At St Nicholas Academy we teach your children phonics. Our approach to learning phonics in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is through using Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics. We also follow a kinaesthetic approach in Reception where children are given an action to help them learn each different sound. This is an effective and interactive way for young learners to recall phonemes. 

Phonics video link.

Letters and Sounds provides us with games and resources to support our teaching of phonics. It aims to build pupils’ speaking and listening skills, as well as prepare pupils to learn to read, by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. It sets out a detailed programme for teaching phonic skills, with the aim of pupils becoming fluent readers by age seven.

What is the phonics screening check?

The national phonics screening check was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils. It is a short, statutory assessment to ensure that children are making sufficient progress in the phonics skills to read words and are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.

The check is not about passing or failing but checking appropriate progress is being made. If children do not reach the required standard, then we will be in touch to discuss plans and offer additional, tailored support to ensure that your child improves their reading skills.

Who is it for?

We will be able to administer the check during the week of the 12th to 16th June 2017. If a child is absent during that week, the school can administer the check up the following week.

How is the check structured?

The check consists of a list of 40 words, half real words and half nonsense words, the nonsense words will be shown to your child with a picture of an alien. This not only makes the check a bit more fun, but provides the children with a context for the nonsense word which is independent from any existing vocabulary they may have.

Is it stressful to test such young children?

The assessment will be age-appropriate, with children sitting with a teacher and reading one-to-one. It should be an enjoyable activity for children which will take no more than 10 minutes.

Does a teacher have to carry out the screening check?

Yes, Miss Common will carry out the check with the pupils in Year 1.

Why are nonsense words included in the screening check?

Nonsense words are an established assessment method of many schools, and are included in many phonics programmes. They are included because they will be new to all pupils, so there won’t be a bias to those with a good vocabulary knowledge or visual memory of words. This is a test of a child’s ability to decode using phonics. Children who can read non-words should have the skills to decode almost any unfamiliar word.

How long does the check take?

Every child is different but in most cases the check should take approximately 10 minutes per child but there is no time limit.

How will the results from the phonics screening check be used?

We have to inform parents towards the end of the summer term in Year 1 of their child’s results. We will let you know in our end of year summary report how your child did and if there is anything that you need to do to help your child improve. If your child does not reach the required level, we will tell you what provision we are going to be making at the end of Year 1 and beginning of Year 2 to help this be addressed and also how you can support us in developing this key skill.

How can I help my child?

In school we are continually checking your children’s phonic development within our approach to the assessment of reading. This screening forms part of our overall assessment procedure. However, there are a number of things that parents can do to support early reading skill development.

  • Let your child see you enjoying reading yourself – they are influenced by you and what you value!
  • Immerse your child in a love of reading: share books and magazines with your child, take them to the library to choose books, read to them regularly, point out texts around you, e.g. in the street etc.
  • Make time for your child to read school books to you regularly – encourage them by pointing to the words and ask them about the story they are reading
  • Use phonics play . This is a website which is packed with interactive phonics games to help children to learn to hear sounds and blend sounds. We use this in school and some aspects of it are free to use at home.
  • Help your child to practice reading the pseudo words which will be sent home.
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher through their reading record
  • Attend our Parent Workshop meeting

What shall I do if my child is struggling to decode?

Say each sound in the word from left to right.

Blend the sounds by pointing to each letter, i.e. /b/ in bat, or letter group, i.e. /igh/ in sigh, as you say the sound, then run your finger under the whole word as you say it.

Talk about the meaning if your child does not understand the word they have read.

Work at your child’s pace and have FUN!

Remember! We are here to help your child to do their very best and develop a fluency and love of reading.

The sunshine arrived!

We made the most of some early summer sunshine this week and explored our new outside area. The children had the opportunity to use sand and water to measure. We looked for lots of mathematical vocabulary as they measures how long it took the water to flow through the sieves, or sand through the mills! The boys enjoyed finding how many skittles they could knock down in a minute.