Lost in the Toy Museum

On the first day of term the children found a note within a bottle in the classroom. The note read said ‘Can you find us?
We are hiding somewhere bright. We are near lots of books. Do you know where we might be?’

The children then went on a hunt for the lost toys.

Science and the senses

Within Science this term the children have been looking at the human body and the five senses.

They explored each of the senses by tasting foods, going on a sound walk, being blind folded and trying to move around with the help of a friend, playing guess the smell and trying to guess the object by the feel of it.


During term 1 in Maths we’ve been looking at representing numbers to 10 in different ways. Ordering numbers to 10 and comparing them using the greater than and less than symbols. We’ve also looked at using tens frames and part part wholes to show number bonds. Then we’ve looked at how to show these number bonds within addition number sentences.


During term 1, year 1 have been looking at basic movements such as running and jumping. Within this they’ve looked at difference between walking, jogging and sprinting. Looked at moving in different directions and being able to change speeds. The children have looked at standing jump positions with one and two feet jumps. They also looked at how to land safely with control.

The Enormous Turnip and word classes

While looking at the class text of the Enormous Turnip, the children have been looking at what is needed to create a sentence. They have been introduced to nouns (pink words) when talking about a who. They have learnt verbs (yellow words) when looking at what doing words. They have also looked at adjectives (green words) the what like words.
They have begun to sort noun and verbs and used adjectives to describe characters and objects from the story. Using their new knowledge they have been creating sentences ensuring they begin with capital letters and end usually with a full stop.

European Day of Languages

As part of European Dy of Languages, Year 1 got to learn some French.

The children learnt the colours of the rainbow in french and applied this knowledge by colouring their own rainbows and playing colour Bingo.
They also learnt numerals to 10 and the french for the points of the compass which they used within their Geography and PE lessons.

Arts Week- We are Architects

As part of Arts Week, every child created their own building in a different style.

We began the week by looking at patterns and how we could create these using printing. The children experimented using cardboard and sponge shapes to create a variety of patterns. They then applied these to their building nets and once dried were constructed into 3D houses.