Author: year1
Term Two
Next term we will be reading the story of the Jolly Postman, through this lovely book the children will learn how to sequence and write stories linked to the traditional tales covered in the book. Of course we will be learning how to write letters, so expect something special through your door this term!
We will be focusing on Addition and Subtraction, we will include more information on this each week, as we said in the homework sent out for the holidays please practise counting to 100 in ones, twos, and tens over the holidays to help support our learning in school!
Our IPC topic for this term is ‘Live and Let Live’
This covers our Science, Technology and Art subjects, we will be learning:
- What animals and humans need
- How living and non-living things are different
- How humans and animals grow and change
- How to carry out a living things survey
- How to attract wildlife to our environment
- How to sort living things into groups
- Designing and making Bird Feeders
The end of our building topic
As we come to the end of our first term, we also come to the end of our first Year One IPC topic of buildings.
The children loved building their gingerbread constructions based on Hansel and Gretel’s house they found in the woods.
Can your children use their stick puppets to retell the story?
Speed Stacking Experiences
This week we were lucky enough to have a speed stacking demonstration from Shepway Sports Trust.
The children loved learning this new skill, or improving it for those who’d already been introduced to speed stacks!
We look forward to offering this as a club in the New Year 🙂
Teen numbers in Badgers Class
This week we are learning to use the terms ‘tens and ones’ by looking at teen numbers. We are working hard to say our words carefully, making sure we hear the difference between sixteen and sixty!
Last week we learnt how to count in tens up to 100, we made number lines using Numicon and practised writing numbers counting in tens.
You can have a go at making numbers using place value understanding here, remember to just tick the TU (tens and units) game!
If you want to try continuing work we looked at last week have a look at this scary ghost game where you have to count back in tens – remember to look at the first digit when counting in tens!
Phonics Meeting for Parents
On Wed 19th Oct at 2.15 I will be holding an information meeting for parents on how we teach phonics in Reception and year 1. This meeting will also include information regarding the year1 phonics screening test.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Mrs Pearce EYFS and KS1 lead
Parents Guide to Phonics
Parents Guide to Phonics
We teach phonics daily here at St Nicholas Academy, the children are split into groups to help support their learning.
Here is a guide to how phonics will help your child to read and spell.
Letters and Sounds is a fun and interactive way to support children in learning how to read and write. Initially, for the children to learn their sounds we use a programme called Jolly Phonics. Jolly Phonics represents each sound with an action helping children to remember both more easily. Which is why your child might do an action when they say a sound! – watch here for the actions to help at home…
What is a phoneme?
The alphabet contains only 26 letters. Spoken English uses about 44 sounds (phonemes). These phonemes are represented by letters (graphemes). In other words, a sound can be represented by a letter (e.g. ‘s’ or ‘h’) or a group of letters (e.g. ‘th’ or ‘ear’). It is the smallest unit of sound and a piece of terminology that children like to use and should be taught. At first it will equate with a letter sound but later on will include the digraphs. For example `rain’ has three phonemes, / r / ai / n.
What is a grapheme?
A grapheme is a letter or a number of letters that represent a sound (phoneme) in a word. Another way to explain it is to say that a grapheme is a letter or letters that spell a sound in a word. E.g. /ee/,/ ea/, /ey/ all make the same phoneme but are spelt differently.
What is a digraph?
This is when two or more letters come together to make a phoneme. /oa/ makes the sound in boat.
What is blending?
Blending is the process that is involved in bringing the sounds together to make a word or a syllable and is how /c/ /a/ /t/ becomes cat.
To learn to read well children must be able to smoothly blend sounds together. Blending sounds fluidly helps to improve fluency when reading. Blending is more difficult to do with longer words so learning how to blend accurately from an early age is imperative.
Showing your child how to blend is important. Model how to ‘push’ sounds smoothly together without stopping at each individual sound.
What is segmenting?
Segmenting is a skill used in spelling. In order to spell the word cat, it is necessary to segment the word into its constituent sounds; c-a-t.
Children often understand segmenting as ‘chopping’ a word. Before writing a word young children need time to think about it, say the word several times, ‘chop’ the word and then write it. Once children have written the same word several times they won’t need to use these four steps as frequently.
Children will enjoy spelling if it feels like fun and if they feel good about themselves as spellers. We need, therefore, to be playful and positive in our approach – noticing and praising what children can do as well as helping them to correct their mistakes.
What are tricky words?
Tricky words are words that cannot be ‘sounded-out’ but need to be learned by heart. They don’t fit into the usual spelling patterns. Examples of these words are attached under each phase. In order to read simple sentences, it is necessary for children to know some words that have unusual or untaught spellings. It should be noted that, when teaching these words, it is important to always start with sounds already known in the word, then focus on the ‘tricky’ part.
Useful website letters and sounds games:
We hope you have found this post useful and please ask your class teacher if you have further questions.
Week Three
We have had a fabulous week, busy learning lots and working hard.
Our English this week has been linked to ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and by using the story map attached your children should be able to retell you the story based on the traditional tale. The children thoroughly impressed us on Friday with their excellent adaptations from the story, we had stories about the three little princesses, kittens and many about the three little Pokemon!
In Maths we have been learning to estimate carefully and learning how to confidently use the terms ‘more than’, ‘less than’, most, least and equal. We have been using a range of materials in school to aid our learning, see what the children can do with handfuls of pasta from home.
We have also attached the spellings sent home, they are tricky words which the children are learning through phonics, and need to spelt correctly within their written work in school.
Within the IPC topic this week we have been looking at the Three Little Pigs houses. We have built our own replicas, trying to establish how they even built houses out of straw and sticks – it was pretty tricky but the children demonstrated excellent determination and teamwork to succeed in their tasks. There will be photos added soon – so keep looking.
Have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday
Weekly Timetable
Please find attached our weekly timetable for both Otters and Badgers
Roald Dahl Day
We hope everyone has had a wonderful relaxing weekend!
Just to let all parents and carers know that this Tuesday (13th September) we will be celebrating Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday! We shall be looking at The BFG in year one as well as being lucky enough to watch a live version of Matilda in the afternoon! If you would like to share any favourite books or characters from your favourite Roald Dahl stories we would very much appreciate it!
We look forward to seeing everybody again on Monday morning,
Miss Common and Miss Neilly