Maths – Shape

This term has begun with all things shape!

We have looked at both 2D and 3D shapes, learning how to describe, compare and name them.

We have used practical methods to support our learning and the children have thoroughly enjoyed this hands-on approach.


We are blessed to have Mrs Vincent who brings life and energy to our weekly music classes.

The children, and teachers love being taught music in such a fun and accessible way.

Art Week

Our first week back after the Christmas holidays was filled with golden yellow sunshine and icy weather outside!

We loved having the opportunity to study Van Gogh’s Sunflower painting, whilst learning how to create a wax resist and watercolour wash.

The children are very excited to invite parents to a formal exhibition of our work at the end of the month. During the exhibition you will be able to purchase your child’s artwork.

Term 3

Here is our Topic Web for this term, more details of our weekly learning can be found on our Class Dojo page!

Each term we ask you to practice some key facts for mathematics at home. This term we will also be encouraging children to log on to TTRS to begin their multiplication journey online.

KIRFs Year 2 

Computing Term 2

This term the children have been learning about Algorithms and Debugging.

The children worked in pairs, building a model with five pieces of LEGO and writing instructions on how to build it successfully.

They had the opportunity to test out their algorithms and improve them so that they were precise.

Godly Play

This week we were lucky enough to work with Les and Pat from Godly Play back to Year Two.

In this session the children were introduced to the story of the Good Samaritan, they reenacted the story, made crafts and played games all linked to the key idea of friendship, peace and help.


In Maths this term we are focusing on addition and subtraction.

We use our place value grids to ensure the children understand the physical nature of ‘tens and ones’ before we move onto the pictorial, and finally the number digits.

Here is our first step of adding numbers:


In our first week back we have been looking at where we belong in our Wonderful World.

We began by looking at google maps, exploring what Earth looked like from space.. we then slowly worked our way in through continents, countries, counties, towns and finally streets .. all the way to St Nicholas Primary Academy.

The children are learning new vocabulary and the sense of scale.

We created our own little booklets which the children were thrilled to take home.

Term Two Overview

Welcome to Term 2

Our Christmas term is often one of the busiest in the school calendar with many events in the first few weeks, and then an exciting month in the run up to Sparkle and Nativity bonanza!

This term is titles ‘Why is our World Wonderful?’ we will be looking at this through a Geographical lens, but it weaves through our English, RE and Wellbeing too.

Please find attached our Curriculum Overview for the term and this terms’ KIRFs.

We really appreciate all your support to push both reading and Numbots at home, both create such important foundations for our young people.

Curriculum Web Term 2 Why is our world wonderful

Term 2 KIRFS Year 2