Week 6 Home Learning

Week 6 Home Learning – please find attached the overview and resources you will need for the home learning.


https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/26331.html – set 2 slideshow
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/26334.html – set 3 slideshow

Continue to practice phonics. Use the videos above to go through all sounds. These could be written on pieces of paper and hidden round the house for them to find or you could use them as flash cards to encourage them to read them quickly.

Reading- Pirate Pete comprehension / Micro-habitats reading comprehension


Challenge – Wordsearch – can you find the words hiding in the grid?

Choose 5 words from the Summer Term spelling list.

Can you write 5 silly sentences using these words on the template provided.


This weeks learning follow on from last weeks about ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.

Day 1 – Read the story or listen to it online following the link on the page. Talk with someone at home about the story and fill in the boxes.  – Day 2 – answer the questions about the story – you might want to get a grown up to read it to you or listen to it again online.

Day 3 – join up the words to their definitions – one has been done for you. Sort the list of words into nouns, verbs and adjectives.                   Day 4 – now let’s get creative design some new clothes for the elves – draw them in the boxes
Day 5 – now let’s get writing, read the letter from the shoemaker to the elves. Can you write a letter back to the shoemaker.  Offline

Visit the following website – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/

Select Summer term – week 3: Here you will find a selection of video clips all about addition and subtraction.  Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order.  The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.
Here is a break down of the week: 1. Fact families addition and subtraction bonds to 20. 2. Compare number sentences. 3. Related facts. 4. Add and subtract ones. 5. Friday challenge.

There will also be some revision activities posted daily on our class story. This week their focus will be on the inverse.

Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins https://play.ttrockstars.com/ Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy  (just for fun) https://play.prodigygame.com/



Choose one fun science experiment to do at home – you will need a grown up to help



Wanted poster – this can be for a character from a book or a family member or a teacher from the school! Use your imagination – I have given you a template you could use to help you or you could design one for a pirate!


Have a go at one of the activities from the sheet. There are also some tips below to help make the activities trickier or easier.
You can also answer the questions in the P.E. quiz attached, then why not quiz someone in your family!


Have a go at creating your own pirate hat. You can draw it using pens/pencils etc or you can have a go at making one you can wear. We have provided a template you can use.


Watch this video all about healthy eating  Online Have a go at designing and creating your own healthy snack.  Ask people in your family about what healthy eating means to them and what their favourite snacks are.  Then fill in the worksheet.  You could even have a go at making your snack if you have the right ingredients! Or making your own advert for your snack


https://toybox-assets.files.bbci.co.uk/activities/legacy-bitesizegames/robot/navigation/index.html#salink_location=blocks&intlink_from_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bb c.co.uk%2Fbitesize%2Ftopics%2Fz3tbwmn%2Farticles%2Fzqnc4w x&intlink_ts=1588770561098-sa

Follow this link and have a go at

programming the robot on the game.

gather some objects from around the house to make a robot with. Lego or other building toys would be great for this. Sit back to back with someone and label yourselves A and B. Have person A describe to you what to build, and copy it word for word, whilst they build it to. Once you are done, compare them both to see if they look the same. Then swap!


Read through the pirate songs that use the tune of famous nursery rhymes. Can you learn one song and create your own music to go with it.


Islam – Lesson 4 – This week’s learning is all about Mosques – read through the powerpoint with your family and have a go at creating a collage of a mosque or creating a 3D model



Week 5 Home Learning


https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/26331.html – set 2 slideshow
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/26334.html – set 3 slideshow

These can be practiced daily – practice all of the sounds. Pick one or two sounds to focus on for the week. Write words including those sounds. Write sentences using those words.

Reading- Horrid Henry reading comprehension – challenge

Beetle – Easy reading comprehension


Challenge – word endings sure/ture. Can you match the word endings?

Missing words using the ir sound. Write the word to match the picture and label the pictures using the correct spelling pattern,

English – This weeks learning follow on from last weeks about Pandora’s Box and Zeus.

Day 1 – put the words in alphabetical order. Remember if you have two words that start with the same letter, look at the second letter. Match these words to their meaning. One has been done for you.

Day 2 – use these words to write your own sentences. Use the examples to help you. Have a go at adding an apostrophe to the words eg. Pandora’s Box

Day 3 – read ‘The Magic Box’ poem or listen to it being read to you online. Answer the questions about the poem and what you think about it. –

Day 4 – now let’s get creative – using a cardboard box, make your own magic box. Now write down 8 of your favourite things, people or places to put in the box.

Day 5 – now let’s get writing, using the sentences starters, can you write your own magic box poem.

Visit the following website – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ Select week 2 – Here you will find a selection of video clips continuing our work on fractions. Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order. The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is a break down of the week:

1. Recognise a third. 2. Find a third. 3. Unit Fractions 4. Non-unit fractions 5. Equivalence of a half and two quarters.

There will also be some revision activities posted daily on our class story. This week their focus will be on division/sharing.

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins https://play.ttrockstars.com/ Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy (just for fun) https://play.prodigygame.com/



Dead or Alive – watch the video clip about things that are dead, alive or never alive then go on a search around your house or garden and fill in the sheet with what you found.


Watch the video of The Magic Grandad (we’ve watched these in school – they last about 14 mins so you can do it in sections or all at once) Make a poster/fact file about seaside holidays in the past – use the template to help you.


Healthy eating reading comprehension – read the text and answer the questions which are all about healthy eating.
Use some of the ideas on the PE fitness cards or use your own ideas to build your own P.E. lesson. Then challenge yourself to complete it or challenge someone in your house and you can be the P.E. teacher who shows them how to do each different exercise!


Look at the range of seaside art pictures. Create your own seaside art. This can be of your favourite part of the seaside, a seaside landscape, or you could compare seaside holidays past and present. Use the pictures provided to help you with ideas.


Create your own Punch or Judy puppet – this could be made out of card or maybe a sock puppet. You can use the template provided to design your puppet and then make it. If you cannot make a puppet, then just design one to share with us.


Coding -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/ztqxhyc watch this video all about coding. Then can you make your own list of instructions to get someone to move from one place in your house to another. You will need to test it yourself first to make sure it works.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo97ztKppIw Watch this performance from 10:00 until the end of the
performance at 12:00 then answer these questions. How did this piece of music make you feel? What did you notice about the performance? How did the performers keep in time? What did this piece of music make you think of? Can you draw a picture to help you explain?


Islam – Lesson 3 – This weeks learning is all about The Quran


Watch the clip or read the powerpoint slides then complete the activity sheet

Week 4 Home Learning


Here is the overview and all of the necessary sheets the children will need for the week 4 home learning.