Home Learning – Week 3

Overview of the week thumbnail of Coronavirus contingency plans- Year 2 Week 3


Reading – Refer to the link Miss Reynolds put on Dojo for further phonics lessons

Follow the oxford owl links to practice phonics – focus on set 2 and set 3 sounds.

These can be practiced daily – go through all of the sounds. Pick one or two sounds to focus on. Write words including those sounds. Write sentences using those words.

Reading- Once you have listened to ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’,  (link for story is in English overview) complete the reading  comprehension.thumbnail of The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch Comprehension







Watch the suffix video – remember; a suffix comes at the end of a word. We add them to root words eg.

Play – root word  – suffix added – Playing, Player, Played

Adding er ing ed – complete the worksheet

Englishthumbnail of Adding er ing

Read ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. If you find it too tricky, you can just listen to the story. There are 5 lessons – you can choose a couple to do or complete all 5.

1-Create your own ‘Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ storyboard. There is a template to use and an example sheet to show you what to do.  2- Setting description – Where do they live? What does the house look like? Use adjectives to describe what you can see. The cool crystal blue sea crashed against the rocks. 3 – create your own favourite meal. You can draw it or actually make it and take a photograph. 4 – Speech bubbles of the characters feelings 5 – Invent a way for Mr Grinling to get his lunch to the lighthouse without the seagulls taking it.

thumbnail of English Week 3
Maths – Visit the following website – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ Select summer term week 2

Here you will find a selection of video clips about measure.  Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order.  The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is an overview of the week; 1 – compare lengths 2 – order lengths 3 – four operations with length 4 – problem solving 5 – challenge question.

Once you have completed these activities, we have provided some further revision activities. These are all related to subtraction this week. The strategy we use in school is at the bottom of each set of questions. These will be uploaded on dojo daily.
Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins https://play.ttrockstars.com/ Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy Maths (just for fun) https://play.prodigygame.com/

Science Living things and their habitats

https://bpes.bp.com/introducing-living-things-and-their habitats

There are a couple of videos, animations and powerpoints – these can be used for week 1 and week 2 as there are also two worksheets to go alongside this.


Research lighthouses at Dungeness – what information can you find out about them? The link above tells you all about the different lighthouses. You can produce a poster, fact file of non-chronological report about the lighthouses. I have included a template to help you.

thumbnail of lighthouse fact file template

PE –

Joe Wicks daily will continue

PE debate lesson – this is for a bit of fun.  Debate: PE is the most important subject in school! thumbnail of PE

Athletics – Choose 1 or 2 activities per week to have a go at from the activity sheet providedthumbnail of Athletics

Art – Have a look at ‘Starry Night’ painted by Vincent Van Gogh.
Can you create your own starry night picture? You can use the template provided or draw your own. If you have paints at home, you will be able to mix your own colours. You can also use crayons, pencils or pens.

thumbnail of Art

 DT – can you design and make your own lighthouse. Think about what you will use. This could be made out of card, lego, sticks, stones –  any objects you can think of.


https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/jessie-andfriends-videos/ Watch episode 2 – sharing information  Complete the activity sheet with key questions thumbnail of thinkuknow-5-7s-home-activity-sheet-1 week 3

Music – Have a go at the listen and layer challenge – https://www.bbc.co.uk/games/embed/bring-thenoise?exitGameUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fbbc.co.uk%2Fteach%2 Fbring-the-noise%2Feyfs-ks1-music-play-it-bring-thenoise%2Fz4sq92p

Choose one of the songs and remove different instruments and add them back in. Think about how it changes the song. If you want to then try and join in with the song on the Feel the Beat section you can use an instrument if you have one or clap along. Online

RE – Islam – This term in RE we are learning about Islam.  Watch the BBC clip as explained on the sheet and have a go at matching the statements to the pictures.

thumbnail of RE – Islam

Variety of different activities for our pupils who may need extra support.


Useful Websites


A range of different quizzes for all year groups. Choose KS1 quizzes specifically for year 2 children.


Daily PE lesson with Joe Wicks from 9.00am. Last approx. 30 minutes.


Daily live lessons covering all aspects of the curriculum.



Lots of resources and free ebook library.


Live web cans of different animal enclosures.



World Book Day


We had a super day yesterday celebrating ‘World Book Day’.  All of our learning was based around the book ‘Winnie the Witch’. We were lucky enough to win the ‘Decorate a Door’ contest. Well done Fox Class.