Welcome to Year 2

We are very excited in year 2 to begin our new topic ‘Fire, Fire!’ where we will be learning all about the great fire of London. Our learning will be linked to this theme where possible.

Please find attached the topic overview for this term which outlines the learning for each area of the curriculum.

We look forward to spend the year learning with the children.

Year 2 Team –

Mrs Lilly, Miss Welsh

Mrs Gunn, Miss Williams

topic web updated


Pirate Day!

Today, we finished our pirate adventures with a dress up day in school. The children (and staff) arrived at school dressed in pirate outfits. They spent the morning roaming the school on treasure hunts, creating their own pirate names and making treasure chests. The afternoon ended with pirate songs after finishing creating their own pirate ships! What a day of fun!


Bastille Day!

Year 2 have been taking part in many different activities to celebrate ‘Bastille Day’. We have tasted different French foods, learnt our numbers to 10, learnt different colours, played boule and created our own castle to show where the event took place! What a busy, but enjoyable day!


Dungeness Trip 2019

Year 2 trip to Dungeness 2019

On Tuesday, Year 2 went on a trip to Dungeness. We caught the train from New Romney Railway Station to Dungeness Railway Station and saw lots of beautiful scenery on the way.

When we got to Dungeness we split into our class groups. Hare Class started by taking a walk along the boardwalk with Jake and creating pictures and sculptures  using the natural materials we could find around us. Meanwhile Fox Class met Owen who was able to give us lots of information on The Old Lighthouse which we then sketched.

After lunch we swapped over, Hare Class sketched the lighthouse and learnt lots about it from Owen while Fox Class walked along the boardwalk with Jake and created their pictures using natural materials.

Then it was time for us to get the train back to New Romney!

We had an absolutely fantastic day. Thank you to our parent helpers for coming with us.

We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures we took while we were exploring Dungeness.

Year 2.