Year 2 Assembly

Florence Nightingale

Year 2 finished their topic learning about Florence Nightingale with an assembly. The children took the parents on a journey through her life. They then had the opportunity to individually share their learning with their parents.


Home Learning

Welcome back to school.

This term, we will be continuing to learn about Florence Nightingale. We will be finding out more about the changes she made to the hospitals.

The two texts we will be learning about in English are: The Lonely Beast and Into the Forest.


We are planning another ‘Celebration of Learning’ towards the end of this term. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. Details to follow.

Please find attached our home learning for this term. Home learning grid term 4


Mrs Lilly & Miss Wilson

Safer Internet Day

In year 2 the children had some interesting discussions relating to staying safe on the internet. They worked in pairs to answer questions about what is the right and wrong thing to do when they are online.

Nurse Visit

As part of our ‘Florence Nightingale’ topic, the children were lucky enough to have a visit from a nurse. They enjoyed learning about life as a nurse today, some of her duties, uniform and how busy the job is! They also got the opportunity to ask some interesting questions!



Home Learning

Please find attached the home learning menu for this half term.

Home learning grid term 3

Below is a list of excellent websites with interesting ideas, activities and games for the children to play which incorporate a lot of the key aspects we learn in school.

The game below is useful for both memory and spelling.


Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the start of a new term. Our main theme this term is ‘Florence Nightingale’. Please find the curriculum map attached with the key areas we will be working on.


Just a reminder that Year 2 have PE on Tuesday. We will be outside for PE for part of the afternoon, so please provide warm clothing as necessary.  As an extra for this term, Year 2 will also have Rugby Tots on a Thursday.

Spring Term


Year 2 Team