We have another busy term ahead of us in Year 2. Please find attached the topic web which outlines the learning for this term. There are also some important dates included.
Term 2 Home Learning
“Learning, loving and encouraging through Christ.”
We have another busy term ahead of us in Year 2. Please find attached the topic web which outlines the learning for this term. There are also some important dates included.
Term 2 Home Learning
Please find attached the home learning grid for this term. There are some key skills we would like the children to focus on – times table facts and spelling of the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words. The remaining activities should be child led and should give the children the opportunity to be creative.
Dear Parents,
Please find attached the topic web for year 2 which outlines the key skills we will be learning this term.
This also has some key dates for your diary.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lilly & Miss Wilson
English: In English we are looking at the story ‘Into the Forest’. Within this, we will be revisiting Traditional Tales. We are continuing to focus on punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and handwriting.
Maths: We will be going back over some areas we have already looked at during the year including place value, addition/subtraction strategies, shape, measure and problem solving within these. We will also have an extra push on times tables before the children move into KS2.
Topic: This term’s IPC topic is called ‘Hooray! Let’s go on Holiday!’– the children will be learning about seasides past and present, locate places around the world where people go on holiday and design their perfect holiday!
PE: This term in PE, we will preparing for Sports Day and practicing a range of athletic skills. Please ensure your child has their full school PE kit in school every day.
RE: This term we are exploring the Islamic Faith.
Our value this term is truthfulness.
Dear Parents,
Please find attached the curriculum letter for this term. It provides information regarding what the children will be learning about in each subject.
Year 2
curriculum letter year 2 term 5
Wishing you all a Happy Easter from Year 2!
Thank you to everyone who made it to our Mother’s Day Celebration on Friday. It was a huge success!
Please find attached information regarding the end of KS1 assessments.
Please find attached the Year 2 SATs presentation regarding the end of KS1 assessments.