Next term

We hope you are having a lovely half-term break.

It was lovely to see so many family members at our end of topic event last week. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as the children did.

Our new topic will be People of the Past. For this, we are inviting the children to come dressed as an important famous person on Friday 4th November. We would also like the children to come with at least 3 facts about their chosen person.

We look forward to seeing all the children back in school next week.

Week 6

Over the last 2 weeks in Maths we have been focusing on number bonds and solving word problems. We have continued to practice our 2s, 5s, and 10s times tables. Please continue to practice these at home.

In English we have started our new text, One night far from here. This links well to our Science and IPC topic with a focus on non-fiction texts.

We would like to invite you in to celebrate the children’s learning next week. This will take place on Thursday 20th October at 2:30pm in the Eagles and Owls classroom. This will give the children the opportunity to showcase their learning.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Week 3

This week in English, we have been learning how to use adjectives and nouns in our writing.  Next week, we will be learning about playscripts and this will be linked to our book – Traction Man. Through this, we will also be introducing verbs. Below are some online games the children can play which reinforce how to use nouns, adjectives and verbs.

In Maths, we have learning about more and less. The children have been comparing numbers; including three and four digit numbers. We have also been practicing our 2 and 10 times table. Please find some games that the children will enjoy playing which will help to increase their speed with mental recall.

Harvest Festival

We are all looking forward to attending the harvest festival in church on Thursday morning. We have attached the words to the song we have been learning. It would be great if the children could continue to practice them at home.


Welcome to Year 2

We have had a fantastic week in Year 2.

This week in Year 2, we have:
* Introduced Traction Man – our shared text for this half term.
* Completed our Entry Point for our IPC topic.
* In Maths, we have been learning about number sequences and counting on and back in jumps of 2,5 and 10.

We have attached a curriculum letter which has an overview for this half term. We have also attached the Year 2 timetable.

We will update you regularly with the fantastic learning taking place in Year 2.




Welcome to Year 2

We have had a fantastic week in Year 2. There has been lots of learning taking  place.


  • In English, we have introduced our shared text for this half term ‘Traction Man’.
  • In Maths, we have been learning about number sequences, counting on and back in jumps of 2/5 and 10.
  • We have also introduced our IPC topic ‘Our World.

We have attached a curriculum letter with an overview of the learning for this half term. We have also attached the Year 2 timetable.


We will update you regularly with the fantastic learning taking place.

