Welcome to Year 2

We have had a fantastic week in Year 2.

This week in Year 2, we have:
* Introduced Traction Man – our shared text for this half term.
* Completed our Entry Point for our IPC topic.
* In Maths, we have been learning about number sequences and counting on and back in jumps of 2,5 and 10.

We have attached a curriculum letter which has an overview for this half term. We have also attached the Year 2 timetable.

We will update you regularly with the fantastic learning taking place in Year 2.




Welcome to Year 2

We have had a fantastic week in Year 2. There has been lots of learning taking  place.


  • In English, we have introduced our shared text for this half term ‘Traction Man’.
  • In Maths, we have been learning about number sequences, counting on and back in jumps of 2/5 and 10.
  • We have also introduced our IPC topic ‘Our World.

We have attached a curriculum letter with an overview of the learning for this half term. We have also attached the Year 2 timetable.


We will update you regularly with the fantastic learning taking place.

