RWI Spelling
This term has seen the start of all children in Year Two having daily RWI spelling sessions.
They have been working really hard and helping each other with their work, one of the new skills they’ve been learning is dictation. The children work in pairs to dictate a sentence to their partner and then help them check if it’s correct. The patience and support they’ve demonstrated has been lovely to watch.
Each week the children are sent spellings home which will be tested on a Friday in the RWI spelling sessions. We will work slowly through the programme to ensure that all children are getting what they need from it.
You can log into the Oxford Owl website to find further books to read online. If your child really likes playing on a tablet then you can find lots of books on the site to read on the tablet, there are also so audio recordings of some of the stories we have at school!

We will soon be pointing you in the direction of further online activities that you can do with your children to help them with their learning in school, keep an eye on DOJO for further updates