Home Learning Pack 8-2-21

Good Morning Everyone.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy the snow.
Enclosed is the learning pack for this week. It is a much larger pack than normal.

It includes the Family Challenge Day which is for Wednesday, as well as art, science and activities for Chinese New Year.

Please do not feel you have to complete every activity.

We would like you to continue with daily maths and English but for the afternoon activities it is up to you which you choose to do, the exception being the Family Challenge Day.

We ask that you do the Family Challenge Day on Wednesday as the children in school will participate at this time also. I will post more information nearer the time.

Have a good week. Nearly half term!

Mrs Hall

Learning Pack 8-2-21

Learning Pack 25-1-21

Good morning everyone.

Please find enclosed this week’s learning pack full of activities for you to engage in.

Last week we had lots of children send in their work to us via portfolio on dojo and it was a real delight to mark and comment on. It would be great if we could see work from everyone. You could upload not only work, but photos of your activities, or pictures of your drawings and crafts you have created. They would all be lovely to see.

In the meantime we hope you are all staying safe and well and look forward to when we can all get back together.

The Year 2 Team

Year 2 Home Learning Activities wc 25th Jan 2021

Home Learning Pack 11th January

Morning everyone.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Please find enclosed this week’s learning pack. There are lots more activities for you to do. Some of the activities we have made with 3 different challenge levels. Choose where you start or perhaps you fancy stretching yourself.
As always any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to dojo.
Mrs Hall

Year 2 Home Learning Week 2 -11th Jan Finished

Home Learning Pack

Welcome to Term 3.

Sadly it is not the start we had all hoped for with another lockdown and home learning.

In Year 2 Miss Reynolds will be teaching daily the children of keyworkers, whilst Mrs Hall will be managing the home learning.

Please direct any questions or queries to Mrs Hall who will do her best to answer them. Mrs Hall will also oversee both class dojo pages. Any urgent questions for Miss Reynolds will be passed to her as soon as she has finished teaching. We have put together a learning pack for this week (enclosed) which can also be found on class dojo. It is also hoped that videos to support the learning will be available, where possible.

We would love to see your work so please upload it to dojo. Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Home Learning 5-1-2021 [Autosaved]

Thank you for your support at this time.

The Year 2 team.