We have started our artist study on the Canadian artist, Norval Morrisseau. The children explored some of his artwork and looked at some of its features. They made observations about what they thought it represented and formed opinions. They also recreated aspects in their sketch books.
Author: year3
Welcome to Term 4!
It was fantastic to see all the happy, smiling faces running into school this morning! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable half-term break.
This term, our topic focus changes to North America as part of our geography lessons. In RE, our big question this term is ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?’ In computing, we will be going on a journey inside a computer to find out what makes it work. In maths, we will be covering three topics – fractions, shape and time.
Term 4 Overview – North America (PDF Download)
At home for maths, we would like the children to focus on their key instant recall facts for the 8x table. We will also be setting various activities throughout the term on our ‘Learning with Parents’ portal. Can you earn a certificate this term by completing all the activities?
Key Instant Recall Facts – 8x Table (PDF Download)
The Year 3 Team
Roman Day!
Year 3 enjoyed their Roman themed day.
We dressed up as Romans.
We designed and made mosaics.
We also made Roman shields. We researched these first and noticed that only a few colours were used and that they were fairly symmetrical in design.
We also performed our Roman dances and carried out some independent research about the legacy that the Romans left behind.
Science – Rocks
We have enjoyed exploring and categorising different types of rock.
We learned about how certain rocks are created. We used dark, milk and white chocolate (sediments) to explain how metamorphic rock is formed. The Earth can transform igneous and sedimentary rocks into metamorphic. High pressure and temperature change the rock to metamorphic, this was represented by the melted chocolate. It then cooled and solidified. When we cut it open, we saw the different patterns and the internal structure.
Limestone (sedimentary) converts to marble, Shale (sedimentary) converts to slate and granite (igneous) forms Gneiss.
To learn how fossils are formed, we used different types of bread and jelly sweets. The bread represented the sediments. We applied pressure using heavy books and left the bread for a few days (to represent thousands of years). We discovered that, when we removed the sweets (similar to how the animal or plant would have decayed), an impression was left. This would be filled with mud and sediments to form a fossil.
The children investigated the permeability of different types of soil. Our investigation revealed that sand let water through the quickest and garden soil ‘held’ the water for longer.
What connects us?
This term, the children have been learning hockey skills, playing games to improve accuracy moving with the ball, passing and shooting. They enjoyed our team battle today, trying to be the team with the highest score by being the most accurate at shooting. To start the lesson we played trucks and trailers where one player (truck) controlled the ball, moving all the time, changing direction quickly whilst their partner (trailer) followed closely behind, waiting for the “all change” signal to swap roles.
Music – Pentatonic Scales and Melodies
Our music focus this term is pentatonic scales and melodies as used by the Chinese in their music. We have listened to some traditional Chinese music and watched dancers perform a dragon dance. As we listened to the music, we expressed how it made us feel through movement. We have been playing pentatonic scales on the chimes and glockenspiels.