KS2 Worship led by Year 3

Today, Year 3 led worship for the whole of KS2 in the hall. The children took charge of the whole assembly, lighting the candle, reading the Bible passage, guiding the other children in their thinking and closing the worship time.

The Bible passage, taken from Matthew, told the story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus escaping to Egypt to get away from King Herod.

We thought about how Mary, Joseph and Jesus were refugees in a place where they could not speak the language and did not understand the culture – how frightened they must have been. We related this to refugees today, fleeing from wars, for example from Ukraine and Syria. We thought about how we can extend a hand of friendship to those who are frightened having made dangerous journeys to escape their terrifying situations.

We finished by listening to a song about reaching out to others –  You can reach out with a heart of love – Doug Horley.  Here’s a link to the video to watch at home – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3WhVRC51ls (please note this is an external link to YouTube).

Welcome to Term 3!

We hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful Christmas and New Year break.  We are ready for another exciting term of learning ahead with our focus being around the Romans across our history and English lessons this term. In computing the children will be learning about emailing and looking out for spam / phishing emails. In our DT this term we will be making cushions using appliqué techniques. In maths, we are revisiting place value along with addition and subtraction, and then moving on to fractions. We will be using maths in our French lessons too as we learn the numbers to 12 and use them to talk about our age and play some games.

Please see our overview of the term below along with our maths focus this term with our key instant recall facts (KIRF) – 4 times table facts.

Download links (PDF)
Term 3 Overview – Romans
Y3 KIRFS (Term 3)
Year 3 Team – Mrs Lee, Mr Houghton, Mrs Gunn, Miss Hatwell and Miss Brennan.

Exploring Together Big Christmas RE

‘Why is Christmas so important for Christians?’

The whole year group took part in our Big Christmas RE lesson in the hall, exploring the big question ‘Why is Christmas so important for Christians?’  We watched some videos, telling us the Bible story and the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. The children could use four different zones to explore and share their thoughts on our big question. In the colour zone, the children could draw pictures – some lovely thoughts about how Jesus birth led ultimately to his death on the cross, showing the true significance for Christians. In the word zone, children wrote prayers, carols and short stories. They could sequence the Bible story with a cut and stick activity. In the busy zone, there was Lego and playdough to create artefacts to show their understanding of the significance of Christmas. In the reflection zone, children shared their personal thoughts about Jesus’ birth.

The Polar Express

We came to school in our pyjamas and drank hot chocolate as part of English lessons this week.  We read extracts from ‘The Polar Express’ and watched sections of the film to inspire us with our setting descriptions.  We look forward to sharing these with you soon!


We have been looking at the artwork on Henry Matisse.  We have also been learning the names of shapes and how to describe them in French.  We then made pictures of our own by asking our partners f0r shapes (in French of course!).

Star of the Week

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

‘Star of the Week’ went to Ruby-Mae for trying really hard with her reading and writing this week.

Value Award: community

The value certificate was awarded to Aleaha, who is always looking out for others in the class and making sure they are okay.


Transparent Night Clipart - Book School Reading Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Reader of the Week was awarded to Ricco.

The Barnabas Encourager Award went to Imaad for encouraging and supporting his peers in maths this week.

Star of the Week

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

‘Star of the Week’ went to Teddy for working hard to improve his writing and for trying new strategies.

Value Award: community

Maia was awarded our value certificate for always being kind to others and always thinking of their needs.


Transparent Night Clipart - Book School Reading Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Reader of the Week went to Harvey H for brilliant reading to the adults in the classroom – well done Harvey!

Barnabas Award:

Barnabas Encourager Award went to Willow for supporting another child in the class who had had a disagreement with friends – what a great friend you are Willow!


We have enjoyed looking at how to sketch using different types of pencil.  This allowed us to explore shade and tone.  For our artist study, we looked at some of the work of Leonardo da Vinci.