Term 1 Overview

This term our history topic is The Norman Conquest and we will be finding out more about who had an interest in the English throne and looking at how the Normans shaped some areas of our own town. Below you will find an overview of the term for your information with a PDF download option in the link underneath the picture.  We are looking forward to an exciting term of learning ahead and to sharing it with you via ClassDojo.

Term 1 Overview - The Norman Conquest


Term 1 Overview – The Norman Conquest (PDF Download)

The Year 3 Team

Welcome to Year 3 – 2022/23

A huge ‘hello’ to all our new children and families joining us in Chestnut and Rowan this year. We really enjoyed welcoming the children back into school on Monday and it was lovely to see all of them smiling and excited to be back after the summer break.

Our PE day will be Friday.  Please can you ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled so they can participate fully in our PE activities. Please could you also remove any jewellery (e.g. earrings, etc.) before the children come into school.

The classrooms can be very warm with everyone busy learning, so please could we ask that your child has a named water bottle in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.

As a reminder, the school day starts at 8.30 am and we have a new finish time of  3.15pm.  Please aim to arrive at school at 8.30am as important Start Of Day Activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.

We look forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks.  If you have any queries, please direct them to your class teacher via ClassDojo or on the door.

The Year 3 Team

Chestnut – Mrs Lee, Mrs Gunn, Ms Knight and Miss Irons
Rowan – Mr Houghton and Miss Hatwell

Sports Day

Year 3 had a great time at sports day this afternoon.  Everyone took part in at least one race with most children taking on 2 or 3 challenges!  Here are some photos of our afternoon.

Welcome to Term 4 – Overview and KIRFs

It is great to have everyone back in class after a well-deserved half-term break.  We have a wonderful new term of learning ahead, many aspects of which are focused around our topic of India including our history and geography, art, music and English.  In computing, we will be taking a journey inside a computer, whilst in science we are investigating different forces including friction and magnetic forces.  In RE, we will continue our focus on Christianity looking at Holy Week and what happened at Easter. We also have a Roman workshop day planned – thinking back to our learning last term.

In addition to this, we also have World Book Day (part of our Book Week activities) and Science Week to squeeze in too!

We are looking forward to sharing all our wonderful learning with you over the term.

You can download PDF copies of our termly overview and maths KIRFs (key instant recall facts) here:
Term 4 Overview – India (PDF Download)
Maths KIRFs – 8x table (PDF Download)

The Roman Army

Throughout term 3, the children have been learning about the Romans.  We have written stories based on the mythical tale of Romulus and Remus, created posters for a Roman Army recruitment campaign and finally we wrote an information text all about the army.  Here’s a selection of their information texts for you to browse through.  In term 4, we will be having a Roman workshop day at school which the children are all looking forward to.

Still life drawings

This term in art, our theme is formal elements of art looking at shape and shading.  Our first 2 lessons focussed on shape and the children spent time looking at pictures and going outside to find simple shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, in everyday objects. After practising this skill during our first lesson, the children were asked to draw a drink can, starting by making light sketches of the simple shapes they could see – rectangles, ovals, straight lines – then building on the detail of the actual item, adding colour where time allowed.

The results are wonderful and the children should be really proud of their efforts.

Term 3 Overview

This term we have lots of new learning to look forward to. Our history topic this term is The Romans and we will also be learning about Roman mythology in English.  In Science, we are also looking at a new subject – Rocks, fossils and soils. Below you will find an overview of all subjects for the term along with a PDF download option in the link below the picture.  This is looking to be an exciting term and we can’t wait to get started. We will share our learning with you both here on the website and also over on ClassDojo in our class stories and in children’s individual portfolios.

Term 3 Overview - Romans

Term 3 Overview – Romans (PDF download)

The Year 3 Team


Term 3 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’

This year in maths we will be focusing on Key Instant Recall Facts with a different focus each term.

Year 3’s term 2 focus is: ‘I know the multiplication and division facts for the 4 times table’.

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Y3 KIRFS (Term 3)


Y3 KIRFs (Term 3 – 4x Table Facts) (PDF Download)

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Exploring Together ‘The birth of Jesus’ – RE with a difference

This year for our Christmas-themed RE lessons, year 3 took a different approach to their learning.  The whole year group got together in the hall for a creative afternoon, watching videos, listening to passages from the Bible whilst exploring several different zones set up across the room – Word Zone, Colour Zone, Busy Zone, Chat and Listening Zone, and a Reflection Zone.

The aim?  To answer one or more the the questions below about the birth of Jesus:

  • What happened at the time of Jesus’ birth?
  • Why would God come to Earth as a baby?
  • Why is Christmas so important to Christians?

After a short introductory video, two Bible passages – Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2:1-21, and a brief discussion, the children were free to explore different areas and think about how to answer the questions.  They were able to create pictures, write stories, poems, carols and fact sheets, build a Bible scene with lego, blocks or cubes, and write reflections.  At any time, they could join us in the Chat and Listening Zone to ask questions to help them understand more.

We were also joined for a while by Mr Dale and Mrs Turner, along with Rev’d Chris and the Archdeacon, who came down to find out what the children had been doing.

We all had a very enjoyable afternoon and came away with lots of thoughts and a better understand about why Christmas is so important to Christians.

Anti-Bullying Week 2021

This year’s Anti-Bullying Week took place from 16th to 19th November, based around the theme One Kind Word.

We started the week with Odd Sock Day where we celebrate our differences – everyone is unique and we all have different talents, no-one should be bullied for being different.  During the week, the children were all Secret Angels. They picked a name out of the hat and had to be super kind to that child all week, but without making it too obvious! I wonder how many children guessed who their Secret Angel was?  All week, we were on the lookout for our Anti-Bullying Superheroes too! 😀

As part of our Anti-Bullying Week, we have also been looking at British Values and celebrating the ideas of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance, Respect and Individual Liberty.

School Council met on Thursday to discuss how the school should manage any instances of bullying.  Prior to the meeting, the classes held a discussion so that their school council reps could take along their ideas – democracy in action!

The children loved singing along to this year’s song too – One Kind Word with CBeebies star Andy Day and his band – Andy and the Odd Socks! (The video can be found on YouTube if you would like to sing-along too!)
#AntiBullyingWeek #OneKindWord