Term 2 Overview

This term our new topic is Rainforests.  We will be looking at where rainforests are found in the world (yes, some are even in the UK!), why they are so important along with their key features. In Science, we are continuing to look at Animals including Humans, moving on to look at nutrition and what makes a healthy balanced diet. Below you will find an overview of all subjects for the term along with a PDF download option in the link underneath the picture.  This is looking to be an exciting term and we can’t wait to get started. We will share our learning with you both here on the website and also over on ClassDojo in our class stories and in children’s individual portfolios.

Term 2 Overview – Rainforests (PDF Download)

The Year 3 Team

Term 2 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’

This year in maths we will be focusing on Key Instant Recall Facts with a different focus each term.

Year 3’s term 2 focus is: ‘I know the multiplication and division facts for the 3 times table’.

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Y3 KIRFs (Term 2 – 3x Table Facts) (PDF Download)

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

A Time-Travelling Visitor

On Wednesday 20th October, Year 3 were surprised to receive a visit from a time-traveller.  Coincidentally, this time-traveller had come from the year AD1040 and was an Anglo-Saxon – how strange as that is who we have been learning about during this term!

Our Anglo-Saxon visitor brought lots of things with him from the past.  He taught the children about Anglo-Saxon tools, battle garments and weapons, food and clothing.  Fortunately, he could speak very good modern English and was able to understand all their questions!

Our fabulous finish ended with a re-enactment of an Anglo-Saxon shield wall.  The children used their shields, interlocked to protect themselves and charged the (imaginary) enemy.

Maths’ Week

The final week of term 1 was Maths’ Week and the children took part in various workshops and maths activities throughout the week.  Our first workshop was The Dark Codes where the children had to solve a number of puzzles together to stop the Robotrons from attacking the school – you can see the alien spacecraft in one of the early photos and then later, after all the puzzlers have been solved, the children manage to unlock the code to destroy the spacecraft!

Later in the week, the children took part in a workshop run by the Happy Puzzle Company, solving puzzles together in small groups – balancing penguins on an iceberg (not as easy as it looks!); solving a town scene jigsaw puzzle without a picture to guide them, fitting the trapezoids into the hexagon without any of the same coloured pieces touching; connecting together tubes so there are no holes.  They loved the interactive puzzles and enjoyed trying to solve them together.

In class, the children spent time completing problem-solving activities and a maths-themed escape room “Lost in the Autumn Forest”.

To round off the week, Year 3 were the final two classes to take part in the sponsored bounce.  The children had great fun bouncing on the bouncy castle in the KS1 Hall with help from the Year 6 children.

We love seeing maths in action and putting all our skills to the test!

Leon and the Place Between – Drama Workshops

On Monday 18th October, Year 3 were lucky to take part in a drama workshop led by Ian from KIC Theatre.  He introduced them to our new book for next term – Leon and the Place Between.  The children were learning all about using space to express themselves whilst also understanding what it is like to have very little space to work in!  They all had a fantastic time and were able to use this to express themselves in their opening lessons about Leon during the week.

Term 1 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’

This year in maths we will be focusing on Key Instant Recall Facts with a different focus each term.

Year 3’s term 1 focus is: ‘I know number bonds for all numbers to 20′.

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Y3 KIRFs (Term 1 – Number Bonds to 20) (PDF Download)

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Term 6 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ – I can recall facts about durations of time

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 6 is: ‘I can recall facts about durations of time′.

Y3 KIRFS (Term 6)

Year 3 Key Instant Recall Facts – Term 6 (PDF)

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Term 6 Overview

So this is it, the final term of the year and we cannot wait to see you back!  We have an exciting term to look forward to as we learn, play and continue to create great memories in our time together.

We are continuing with our theme about the Romans and we will see this particularly as part of our English non-fiction learning, building on what we have learned so far. Although we have moved on from plants, we will continue to look after our vegetable beds and plats, but our science focus will move on to ‘Light’, learning how it helps us, reflections, shadows and some fun investigations along the way.  In RE, we will be returning to dive deeper into the Sikh faith and look out how Sikh people worship and celebrate.  We will continue to focus on reading, with all children reading to an adult every day (please also continue to read at home everyday for 10 minutes) in addition to whole class reading and small group guided reading sessions.  In maths, our focus returns to fractions to refresh our lockdown learning and build on this.  We will also be looking at time and shape.  We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 6 Overview – Romans (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Banks

Term 5 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ – I can tell the time

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 5 is: ‘I can tell the time′.

Year 3 Key Instant Recall Facts – Term 5 (PDF)Y3 KIRFS (Term 5)

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Term 5 Overview

Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to an exciting term learning, playing and creating memories together.

We will be looking at the Romans this term, how they impacted Britain and their legacy.  Our science focus is ‘Plants’ and we are looking forward to carrying out various experiments and getting outside to work on the freshly restored vegetable beds (thank you Mrs Gunn!). In RE, we will be looking at what happened after Easter when Jesus spent time with His disciples before ascending to heaven and sending them the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will continue to focus on reading, with all children reading to an adult every day (please also continue to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week for 10 minutes) in addition to whole class reading and small group guided reading sessions.  In maths, our focus is money as we recap place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.  We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 5 Overview - Romans

Term 5 Overview – Romans (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Cox