Hello Year 3
We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year break, albeit more subdued this year. We had hoped to be welcoming everyone back to the classroom this week, but sadly that is not to be this term according to tonight’s announcement.
Please find below our home learning pack for this week. We have adapted these from our planned lessons this week and added a few other options whilst we test out whether all we had planned for the term is possible to do at home.
Home Learning Activities PDF w/c 5th January 2021
To keep our learning as practical as we can, this week you’ll need an empty tub, e.g. margarine / ice cream tub, some string (or wool) and some different surfaces for our science experiment!
Mr Houghton and Miss Cox will be in school looking after the year 3 keyworker children whilst Miss Ryan will be looking after our remote learning via ClassDojo and Zoom.
Mr Houghton will still be sending out daily messages to Chestnut and will read a class story each day. He is also looking forward to looking at all the learning you submit via your ClassDojo portfolio. For any learning queries during the day, please contact Miss Ryan.
We hope you all stay safe and well and we look forward to the day when we can all be back together again.
Many Thanks
Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox and Mrs Gunn
Reference Guide for Parents – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Guide
SPaG Glossary PDF Download