We enjoyed our PE lesson in the sunshine. We participated in a carousel of activities including cricket, football, skipping and using our new active boards.
Author: year3
Geography – Fieldwork
DT – Microbit Pouches
Science Investigation
We put a different amount of seeds in each pot to see if this impacts on growth. In pot 1, we put 1 seed; pot 2 had 2 seeds; pot 3 had 4 seeds, and pot 4 had 8 seeds. We kept everything else the same to make it a fair test.
At the end of term, we observed that the pots with 2 and 4 beans grew the best. This was in contrast to many of our predictions.
The parts of plants and their functions
The children have been labelling the parts of flowers and exploring their functions. We also dissected the flowers and compared the parts. We noticed that some plants have lots of petals, while others have brighter petals. Some plants had thicker stems or different shaped leaves.
We investigated the function of the stem by using water and food colouring. We observed overnight how the water is transported through absorption. The stem of celery turned blue. Unfortunately, the white flowers did not.
Quill Soup
Cognates and near cognates
Welcome to Term 5!
Here is an overview of what the children will be learning this term. There is also a copy of our KIRFs.
As always, if you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team.