Year 3 reminders

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Times Table Rockstars – Let’s be the best we can be Year 3!


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Don’t forget to check on all of the amazing stuff each class gets up to on our class Dojo.  How many Dojo’s can you collect?


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Don’t forget how amazing mathletics is with helping with our maths!


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Finally, don’t forget oxford owls for the amazing online books for free!  Create a free login!


Keep up the amazing work everyone!


Such exciting events happening this term!

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Please all come into school in fancy dress! BUT you must be a character from a book!

Be as creative as you can!

Not to forget our trip! 

Date: Friday 2nd March

Venue: Brockhill Park

Don’t forget to check class dojo for updates on class specific information.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Miss Sisk and Mrs Hall

Year 3 notes and news

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We have some exciting new things to introduce this term!

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We have started a new reward system at school called Class Dojo!
The best thing about this is you can view how you are getting on at home!
Use the login that will be sent home and look as a family, edit your dojo and have lots of fun!
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We have also introduced a new app to help us learn our times tables.
This is an amazing app that helps children with their times tables.  The best part is earning coins to change your own rockstar and compete as a class or beat your best time!
I will set specific times tables and will monitor your improvement from school,  we will also be doing our own assessments at school using this system.  It is fun!
To access the ones we set, go onto GARAGE or ARENA area!

Who will be the most improved times table rockstar and have their picture up in the hall AND wear the rockstar dress up in school?

Finally, I will see you on Friday at the school Christmas fair!

Many thanks for your ongoing support,

Miss Sisk and Mrs Hall.

Happy Half Term

We hope you are having a lovely half term!

Just a quick reminder that homework is due on Wednesday 3rd November.

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Also all of year 3 has been allocated mathletics homework and we are encouraging everyone to use the new mathletics layout.

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We are excited for our new topics titled ‘Chocolate’ this term!  Expect many chocolaty facts and exciting lessons.

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See you all on Monday,

The Year 3 Team.

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Friday 6th October 2017


Beech and Rowan team

We have had an amazing week!  Our behaviour and attitude to learning is SO much better!  Well done year 3!


This week your homework is about different types of sentences. Please hand in by next Wednesday!

Don’t forget

Monday is PE so must have your kit,

If you are taking your earrings out for PE please provide a little pot to keep them safe in.

Please enjoy your reading at home and talk lots about your books.

Mathletics passwords are in your reading records. 🙂

Our favourite bit of learning this week –

“I really enjoyed comparing numbers with the crocodile’s.”

“I really enjoyed writing our story out in best on the computers.”

“I liked everything, I can’t just choose one.”

“I liked writing my story in my English book.”

“I liked doing science.  The work on the body is fantastic.”

“I love art, especially the sketching.”

“I like when we do hand ball on Thursday with the people from The Marsh Academy.”

“The Gorilla story was amazing.”

“I loved seeing everyone in Year 3 engaged and enjoying their maths on Friday with our Graffiti maths!” said Miss Sisk.


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Week beginning 2.10.17

Curriculum Overview

Please find attached the curriculum overview for this year.  If any of you have a particular talent that you would like to share with us that relate to any of our topic, please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher.  Image result for smiley


Harvest Festival

Wednesday 4th October. 9.30am

Our celebration will take place at St. Nicholas church.  We would love to see you there and if anyone would like to help us walking over, please let your class teacher know.

All donations gratefully received.  Please no perishables.

Image result for harvest festival

Thank you for your continued support,

Year Three Teachers

Welcome to Year Three’s first Blog!

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We can’t believe that we already into Week Four of Term 1!

Well done to the children for their positive attitude to learning and stepping up to junior expectations!

Home Learning will be given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday.

PE is every Monday PM. Please make sure all kit is named and in school.  Due to the government’s new policy, earrings have to be removed for PE and adults at school can not assist with taking them out.


Science Week


Next week is science week.  We will be doing lots of fun activities such as build a wind turbine, making slime and building a rocket.  We will also be looking at planting seeds in our recycled toilet roll holders and planting them in the ground.

A big thanks must go to Mrs Hall for arranging all the wonderful activities and for getting in all the supplies.

Term 4


This term in Topic we are looking at Scavengers and Settlers and have been making our very own fossils and miniature shelters (photos to follow soon).

We have also looked at our ancestors, both modern and historic.



In maths we are currently working on multiplication and we will soon be working on division.

Your child needs to keep working on those times tables especially 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.  We have over half the class now working on the Silver Times Table Challenge.  Our aim is to get everyone off Bronze.



In English we have been looking at stories from other cultures using the book ‘African Tales’ starting with Makhosi and the Magic Horns (get your child to retell the story to you, if they can remember it).



Please ensure that your child reads every day for at least 15 minutes.  We are also taking part in the 10 million minute challenge as a school so we need as many minutes of reading as we can.  This is running from 9th to 15th March.

5th February 2017

5th February 2017

This week we will be focusing our maths work on subtraction.

Safer Internet Day (SID)
This Tuesday 7th February 2017 is Safer Internet Day. We will be having special assemblies and year 3 will be looking at the issues around sharing images on the internet.

Busters reading challenge
On Wednesday 8th February 2017 we are entering Busters reading challenge where the school could win prizes so please remember to read and get bookmarks signed.

NSPCC Danceathon
Thursday 9th February is the NSPCC Danceathon & Mannequin challenge day.

Last day of term
The last day of term 3 is this Friday 10th February 2017. Have a good break.