Week commencing 30th January 2017

This week is assessment week.


Congratulations to all Kites that became rocket stars last week. Keep up the good behaviour and work.


Mathletics – There are lots of activities that pupils can use on the website. All children should now have a login to the system. So far, it appears that only a few children seem to have logged onto Mathletics.


Mathletics is a weekly homework task and students’ results contribute to a school wide display board and an inter school challenge with other schools around the world. If anyone has forgotten their password or needs help with how to login, please see Mrs Storti or Mr Ramsden.


Times Tables – a reminder that times tables should be practised weekly as tests for the Bronze, Silver and Gold challenges will become more regular.


On Thursday, we are participating in the school curriculum fayre where parents and carers can find out more about how we teach maths and English. If you can attend it would be good to see you there.

Spring 1 Assessment Week

It is that time again when we carry out assessments to see how the children are getting along.


During the week we will be carrying out Arithmetic, Problem Solving and Reasoning, 2 Reading Comprehension papers, a spelling paper and a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar paper.

Busters Book Club Ambassador

Busters Book Club Ambassador
Do you enjoy reading?
Are you up for a challenge?
Could you encourage others to read?
We need Ambassadors who are keen to help encourage their classes to read and to remind them to have their bookmarks signed on a Wednesday evening.
If you are interested, simply design a poster for Busters Book Club. This needs to remind children to read every Wednesday and have their bookmark signed. On the back of your poster, please explain why you think you would be good at the role of Ambassador!
Please hand in your completed posters to the school office by Wednesday 1st February. If you have any questions – see Mrs Longman.


Our topic this term is:

Image result for How humans work

Within our science lessons, we have been looking at light and how we need it to be able to see. The children have then taken a closer look at the eye and are beginning to recognise different parts of the eye and what job they do.

Along with looking at how we need light to see, we’ve been identifying that light travels in straight lines and how shadows are created by objects blocking out the light.

We have been extremely lucky that one of our parent helpers is a first response volunteer and she has been talking to us about basic first aid and the steps to take to place someone in the recovery position.


English this term

So far this term we have enjoyed exploring the text ‘Into The Forest’ by Anthony Browne. The children have thoroughly enjoyed spying different traditional tale characters and props hidden within the illustrations.

Image result for into the forest

After reading the text, we have used and extended the conversations the characters had by creating our own play scripts.  We have also used our knowledge of the text to rewrite and include detailed conversations between characters by using inverted commas.. To support our understanding of the characters and what they might say, we have used role play to take on characters to give ideas for our writing.

Not only have we been looking at ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne, we have just started to read another one of his stories called ‘Gorilla’.

Image result for gorilla anthony browne

The children took on the role of Hannah at the beginning of the story and wrote in the first person by describing what they thought her life might be like. All ideas were generated from a single image of Hannah sitting in the corner of an almost empty room, with only a TV to highlight her figure. After reading the text further, we found out that Hannah loved gorillas and felt extremely lonely as her father was too busy with work to take her anywhere. The children then used this for inspiration to write a diary entry by Hannah, explaining how they thought she felt about the events leading up to her birthday (extracts of the children’s work to follow).