Week 4- Reading

• Reading Plus: Complete all readings allocated by Sunday. You will earn extra Dojo points.
• Read your own reading book 4 x a week. – Discuss what is has happened in the book, what do you think will happen next? Why do you think this? Find three words that you don’t understand and look them up in a dictionary.
• Remember ALL reading is important! Read any books you have at home, share with your family. Perhaps you could read to brothers and sisters too.
• Reading comprehension (FA cup). Children should answer in full sentences. There are three variations of the reading comprehension, 1 star is the more basic with 3 being the most difficult. Only one version needs to be completed.

thumbnail of FA Cup Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Week 4- Spelling

• Continue to revise year 3 and 4 common exception words. Have a test on 10 words of your choice. Any which are incorrect continue to learn. You can then choose some more words. We have included a spelling practice menu; you can choose form to help learn the words.
• Homophones- Where, wear, were, we’re. Complete the sheet and even make up your own sentences with them in.

thumbnail of -year-3-and-4-common-exception-words-word-mat-_ver_2thumbnail of KS2-Spelling-Menuthumbnail of Homophone

Week 4 – English


• SPAG- I have seen great use of speech in your stories. Now have a go at this sheet to recognise the speech- there are 3 levels.

thumbnail of Recognising-Speech


• Informal letter writing. – Lesson 1- Go through the PowerPoint as a reminder to how an informal letter in set out. Then use the planning sheet to plan your letter- think about who you are going to write to and what you are going to write in each of the paragraphs.
• Lesson 2/3- Next write your letter using your plan. There is a word mat if you would like to use it- you could write your letter in your home learning book and then copy up again if you are really going to send your letter to the person you have written it to. If you are rewriting your letter do this as a sperate lesson.
• Lesson 4 Plan a letter to yourself about the new way we are all living for now. How do you feel? What are you really enjoying or not enjoying? What type of routine do you have? What questions do you have?
• Lesson 5- Write the letter to yourself.
• When you are writing your letters, remember you can use the computer and then even email them to the people you are writing to. You could write a letter to a friend, family member, teacher, a neighbour. You could also write thank you letters to the keyworkers or your parents for home schooling you. The choice is yours.

thumbnail of How-To-Set-Out-An-Informal-Letter-Ppt thumbnail of Informal letter planning sheet thumbnail of Word Mat

Week 4- Maths

Screenshot of whiterosemaths.com

Visit the White Rose website.

Select ‘Week 2’.
Here you will find a selection of video clips about fractions/decimals. Which we are continuing. Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order. The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is an overview of the week:
Lesson 1 – Divide 2 digits by 10.
Lesson 2 – Hundredths.
Lesson 3 – Hundredths as decimals.
Lesson 4 – Hundredths on a place value grid.
Lesson 5 – Divide 1 or 2 digits by 100.

Once you have completed the activity, you should then carry out some of these revision activities:
• There is a reveal the picture worksheet in 3 levels to revise the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
• Times Table Rock Star 4 x a week or more.
• Math’s prodigy game.

thumbnail of maths revision


Week 4- Science

Evaporation and condensation

Using the BBC bitesize page, read the explanation of evaporation and condensation. Watch the video to support your learning too. There is also a song, you can listen to about evaporation and condensation.

Screenshot of www.bbc.co.uk
Screenshot of www.youtube.com

Have a go at some of the experiments to help understand what evaporation and condensation are. You could then create a poster to explain what evaporation and condensation is. You could include pictures of where we see evaporation and condensation in our everyday life.

thumbnail of Evaporation and codensation Experiments

Week 4 – RE

Our new unit is on Hinduism.
Firstly watch ‘Introducing Simran and Vraj’ Next watch it again and make any notes about what you learn about Hinduism.  After you have written your notes on that clip, watch ‘What is Hinduism?’  Continue to make notes about Hinduism as you watch it. With your notes make a fact file about everything you have learnt so far about Hinduism- What beliefs do Hindus have? What have you found out about their Gods? What do Hindus believe happens to them when they die? Where do they worship? You could include pictures in your fact file too.

Screenshot of www.bbc.co.uk
Screenshot of www.bbc.co.uk

Week 4- Topic

Our new topic is Natural Disasters- Volcanoes.
Using BBC bitesize, which you can get to through the link, watch the videos and  then take the volcano quiz- How many out of 5 will you get correct? On your remote learning you are then to write up 5 facts about volcanoes.

Screenshot of www.bbc.co.uk

Week 4- PE

Screenshot of www.passltd.org

Using the link, click onto PE lessons and then year 3/4, where you will see a video of PE lessons which you can follow. Also on the website they have a weekly challenge which you could enter too.