Week 4-Music

Screenshot of www.youtube.com

You may have seen the well-known Baby shark song has been changed into Wash your hands. Have a go at using the tune of Baby Shark to write your own song. It could be how to play your favourite sport or make a snack or how to tidy your room or how to keep your parents happy!!

Week 4- PSHE

Think about what kindness means to you and how it makes you feel when someone is kind to you. Think about 5 acts of kindness you could do across the week, for example help with a chore, message or facetime a family or friend that you know may like to hear from you. (check with an adult first) be even nicer to your siblings, etc.

Week 4- French

Screenshot of www.french-games.net

Learn some of the different weathers in French. Click onto topics, then world and then onto weather, next click on full tutorial. This will work you through revising weather in French and playing games as you learn them.

Now create a poster to help others learn the names of weather in French.

Easter Activities