
Welcome to Year 4
Mr Almond, Mrs Starmer-Smith and Mrs Thorn would like to welcome you to Year 4.

This year is going to be an exciting one, with fun packed activities and learning. All staff are relishing the opportunity of working with your children. If you are not already connected to our Class Do-Jo pages then please connect via the invitation. These pages will contain information, class photos and so much more to help keep you connected and part of your child’s school life in Year 4.

Our focus for this term is about Our Local Environment, map reading, animals and their habitats and more.

Urban Sports

Year four were lucky enough to spend the day with the F51 team in Folkestone. We had a go at yoga, football, street dance, skateboarding, scooter riding, gymnastics and skate board design. We all agreed that it was a brilliant day, topped off by the BBC recording the events. You may have spotted us on the local news!

Times Table Rock Star



Congratulations to Birch Class who were awarded the trophy this week for greatest improvement to their TTRS score! Please make sure that all children are consistently logging on to TTRS at home as all times tables need to be learnt by the end of the year.

Keep it up.

A huge well done to Eva from Beech class regarding her positive attitude towards learning.

Unfortunately year 4 were not successful in retaining the Busters Bookclub trophy this week. However, a real effort may see us at the top of the leader board once again.

Though Reading Plus is going from strength to strength more effort is required if the children are to attain the levels and literary freedom they undoubtedly deserve.

Birch leaf isolated on the white

Congratulations to Sam from Beech Class for being awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for his excellent attitude towards his schoolwork.

A huge well done to Birch as they have won Busters Book Club again. Lets keep up the hard-work.

Congratulations to both Birch and Beech with their continued effort towards TTRS. An extra well done to Birch especially as they were the most improved class.

A big well done to Birch for maintaining their position at the top spot for Reading Plus. Beech should also be congratulated regarding the increased amount of reading being done at home.

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Term 5

Term 5 Topic Web    Click on the link to see our curriculum map for Term 5.

Homework Term 5   Click on the link to see this term’s homework.





Look below for photos of our Egyptian Day.




Here is the homework for this term.

This is due in the week after the Spring break.


Homework Term 4


Today we had a few mummies in our class! The children were tasked with making a mummy in three minutes. As you can see some teams had thought about the process.

Sophie L – Birch
Well done!