Year 4 update and Home Learning 24.02.17 (Due in 01.03.17).

Home learning for Maths this week has been set on Mathletics. Please spend at least 30 minutes working your way through the activities throughout the week. This week in class we have been focusing on perimeter and area.

Times Tables

Please continue to practise your time tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. It is vitally important that children have a sound knowledge of their times tables, in order to increase their processing speed in Maths. By the end of Year 4 the expectation is that children know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. It would be greatly appreciated if you could support our efforts in class by helping and encouraging your children to learn these at home. If you would like a times tables sheet for the Times Tables Challenges, please talk to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help you.

Buster’s Book Club

Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night. Which class can read for the most amount of minutes, Chestnut or Birch? Ensure that you are recording and signing your child’s reading record on a Wednesday evening and they have their reading record in school daily.


Weekly spellings have been updated in your reading records (Birch) and Chestnuts will be sent home on a sheet. Please ensure that these are learnt and will be tested next Thursday.

Allergy notice

Next Tuesday 28th February is Shrove Tuesday. As part of the Year 4 RE curriculum we will be looking at the Christian Festival of Lent and exploring the reasons why Christians eat pancakes on this day. We will be decorating and eating pancakes of our own. If your child has any allergies to pancakes, Cadbury’s chocolate spread, golden syrup, lemon juice, sugar and bananas please let your class teacher and the office know. If there are no issues there is no need to inform us.

Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning (10.02.17).

Thank you to all the children for all their hard work in Term three. To finish off this term we are sending a maths home learning, linked to our current topic of measures. In addition to this we have also set Mathletics home learning. Who can be the first to get all their certificates?

Our topic for next term is called ‘shake it’ to kick start our topic we would like children to design their own shake. This can be healthy or…

Please continue to read throughout the holiday and practise your spellings and times tables.

Have a wonderful break.

See you all in Term four.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

RE Visit (07.02.17).

Thank you so much to all of the parent helpers that assisted us on our walk around places of worship in the local area. The children gained an insight into  the similarities and differences between the Romney Marsh Community Church (RMCC) and St Nicholas Church.

Most of us were very surprised to discover the differences between baptism in both churches as well as discovering the town of New Romney has a total of four churches.

Once again thank you to all of those who supported this trip and a big thank you to the children for their outstanding behaviour.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.


Calling all helpers!

Permission pending, we are hoping on Tuesday 7th February after lunch to walk around the local area looking at the similarities and differences within Christian places of worship.

We would appreciate any help with accompanying the children on their walk. Please let your class teacher know if you are available.

Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.


Home Learning 27.01.17 (Due in 01.01.17).

Home learning for Maths this week has been set on Mathletics. Please spend at least an hour working your way through the activities throughout the week in preparation for assessment week.

In addition to this, please continue to practise your time tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. We have started to plateau so please ensure that you are practising and aiming to beat your highest score!

Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night. Which class can read for the most amount of minutes, Chestnut or Birch? Ensure that you are recording and signing your child’s reading record on a Wednesday evening and they have their reading record in school daily.

Weekly spellings have been updated in your reading records (Birch) please ensure that these are learnt and will be tested next Thursday.

Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.

Sporting Success!

Congratulations to everyone for completing your six week Basketball skills based training which ended this week with a competitive game. Match report to follow shortly. Chestnut swimming group one have now completed their swimming block. It has been wonderful to watch you all progress with your skills, keep it up! Next week group two it’s your turn, remember your swimming kit for Wednesday.


Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.

Are you interested in being a Busters Book Club Ambassador?

Do you enjoy reading?
Are you up for a challenge?
Could you encourage others to read?
We need Ambassadors who are keen to help encourage their classes to read and to remind them to have their bookmarks signed on a Wednesday evening.
If you are interested, simply design a poster for Busters Book Club. This needs to remind children to read every Wednesday and have their bookmark signed. On the back of your poster, please explain why you think you would be good at the role of Ambassador!
 Please hand in your completed posters to the school office by Wednesday 1st February. If you have any questions – see Mrs Longman.
Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.


Home Learning – 20.01.17 (Due in 25.01.17).

Home learning for Maths this week has been set on Mathletics continuing to focus on Fractions. Letters have been sent home explaining the new system and login details. All of Year Four have now had a lesson on Mathletics. In addition to this, please continue to practise your time tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. Aim to move up a level by the end of the term, only 3 more Friday’s left!

Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night, we have noticed that our results have continued to fall! Which class can read for the most amount of minutes, Chestnut or Birch? Ensure that you are recording and signing your child’s reading record on a Wednesday evening and they have their reading record in school daily.

SPAG home learning this week is focusing on the use of commas.

Weekly spellings have been updated in your reading records (Birch) please ensure that these are learnt and will be tested next Thursday.

Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.