KS2 Worship – Trick Questioners (Mark 12:13-17)

Year 4 children led KS2 worship today, talking about Trick Questioners. They referred to Mark’s Gospel and a story where Jesus was challenged by the religious leaders about whether people should pay taxes to Caesar.  They asked the children whether they had ever been asked a trick question and how it made them feel.

Dear God,

Thank you that we have a wonderful role model in Jesus.

Please help us to think carefully before we react to what other people say to us or do to us. Give us wisdom is these situations.

Bless us all today in our learning and as we play together.


Welcome back… it’s term 3!

As we all head back to school after our Christmas and New Year break, it’s a good time to remind you all that PE takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays each week.  Birch class will be continuing with their swimming throughout January, which will be on a Monday afternoon.  Our history theme this term is Ancient Egyptians, which will continue into term 4 when we will have an Ancient Egyptian day at school (the children can dress up on that day too!)

Term Overview
Here’s a copy of the term 3 overview and also our maths’ Key Instant Recall Facts (9x table) for the term.

Term 3 Overview – Ancient Egyptians (PDF Download)

Key Instant Recall Facts

KIRFs Term 3 – 9x table (PDF Download)

The Year 4 Team

Miss Fellows and Mr Houghton
Miss Wayland, Miss Ellis and Miss Frampton

Light Up New Romney

During November, year 4 were involved in a secret project to create a wonderful set of lanterns for the Light Up New Romney lantern parade on 8th December.  Caroline and her team brought so much joy to our afternoons. The children had so much fun creating the lantern frames, adding the lights, wrapping the frame in paper, creating snowflakes and adding decoration to the Ice Palace turrets. Most of them enjoyed getting really sticky with the glue too (although some didn’t!).

Lots of children joined with the New Romney community for the lantern parade and the children also sang two songs in church – My Lighthouse and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. A great time was had by all

Conscience Alley – to help or not to help…

In our lessons this term about The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the children have been understanding how unkind Edmund has been to his sister Lucy. But now, Edmund and Mr Tumnus are missing, possibly taken by the White Witch. Today, the children were debating whether Peter, Susan and Lucy should help find Edmund and Lucy’s friend Mr Tumnus, the faun, and rescue them from the White Witch.  They had to consider both sides of the argument, for and against…

Advent Service

Today, year 4 led the Advent Service at St Nicholas Church, marking the beginning of the Advent season. The children read Bible passages, led prayers, sang songs and presented an offertory.

We bring this star to remind us that Jesus is here to guide our way in the world.
We bring this candle to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.
We bring this donkey to remind us that Jesus was from humble beginnings and was an ordinary person just like us.
We bring this gift to remind us that God sent his only son, Jesus to Earth as a gift for us all.
We bring this wreath to remind us of God’s everlasting love for us all.
We bring this manger to remind us that Jesus was born in a stable.
We bring this wall hanging that we have designed and made as a gift for the church to show the strong links that exist between us both.

In the readings that we have heard this morning, we learnt that Mary says yes to the call to become the Mother of God. She will spend her life at His side, right to the foot of the cross.
John the Baptist is the voice crying out in the wilderness, baptising in the name of the Lord. Not a saviour but a saver, who leads others to God. As we leave this place today, think about how you can be more like Mary and John in your preparations for the wonderful feast of Christmas.

Science – Unusual States of Matter

This week, we investigated different substances in science – salt, sand, rice, oil, honey, washing-up liquid and oobleck (cornflour and water) – and we discovered that not all materials follow the simple rules of solid, liquid and gas.  Salt, sand and rice are solids which can be poured like liquids, but they pile up into a heap unlike liquids! Oobleck can be poured like a liquid, but if you hit it or move it quickly, it crumbles like a solid – very mysterious!

KS2 Worship – A Better World Through Education

Today was year 4’s turn to lead worship for the KS2 classes and they did a fantastic job – greeting everyone, speaking clearly, taking ideas from the other children and leading our prayers.

Our theme was ‘A Better World Through Education’.  We considered our own school day routines and then compared the school days of two children, one from the UK and one from Bangladesh (4,925 miles away!).  We also looked at two articles from the United Nations ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child’, understanding that all children throughout the world are entitled to free primary education and different forms of secondary education must be available too. We also also talked about how this is not always the case and how lucky we are to be able to come to school.

Dear God,

Please protect children who cannot attend school, especially those whose cannot get to school because of conflicts, emergencies, and natural disasters.

Bless all children and help provide opportunities for learning so that through education, all children can find the hope and skills for a better future.


Maths Week 2023

This year for maths week the children have taken part in a Money Sense workshop, solved maths puzzles in PE and completed a maths-themed escape room.

Money Sense Workshop
The children used their maths skills to help the Clark family save money whilst saving the planet!

Maths-Themed PE
During PE, the children completed 2 activities, solving 11 maths problems in each.  Once they’d solved the problems, their answers formed a code to search for letters in two 11-character words. All groups solved activity 1 and two teams managed to solve activity 2 as well!

Time Thief Escape Room
A prisoner is freed to help steal a time machine… and destroy it!!!  Taking on the role of the freed prisoner, the children had to solve 7 maths puzzles to find the code to start the self-destruct sequence and destroy the time machine.

Storm Ciarán blows in…

Today was a very different day in year 4 and across the school.  With only a small number of children actually in school we did things slightly differently!

In class, the children enjoyed playing on Times Tables Rock Stars and completing their Reading Plus activities.  At 10am, a TTRS tournament started between Beech and Birch to allow both those at school and at home to compete together to steer their class to victory.  At 3pm, when the tournament finished, Beech emerged victorious with some very strong competitors playing at home!  Well done Beech 🎉🎸⭐

As we couldn’t go outside for break time, year 4 joined year 5 for a Bench Ball competition and gave year 5 a run for their money!

After lunch the children spent time on mindful colouring, thinking about Friendship our value for this term. We also had a rare appearance of Film Club and all enjoyed watching Elemental together (quite apt with the elements causing today’s upheaval!)