Term 4

Spring Term 2 Topic Web

We will be continuing our History unit – Ancient Egypt. This term we will learn how to mummify and find out more about Egyptian Gods. This unit will end with an Egyptian Workshop which will be coming in to school to give the children some first hand experience.

Egyptian Dance

As part of our PE, we have been learning to create sequences of movements. We have linked this to our topic Ancient Egypt. We have created movements to show the building of the pyramids, moving heavy stones, carrying water, cutting down crops and mummifying the dead!

Ancient Egypt

We have been learning about the way of life during Ancient Egyptian times. We learnt how to make papyrus paper and then wrote hieroglyphics to share with the class.

We have also been investigating how Tutankhamun died – we became detectives and had to work out what happened by using different clues.


In Science, we have been learning about electricity. We have learnt how to connect up a working circuit and how to switch it on and off. We then used this knowledge to create our own torches as part of our Design and Technology unit.


Drama Workshop

In Year 4, we are lucky to be working with a Drama Specialist Teacher – Ian Crosher of KIC Theatre. He has been working with us on how to use our bodies and faces to help us show emotions and feelings without speaking. This has then helped us to use the skill of ‘Show not Tell’ in our writing. 

Kench Hill – Year 4 Residential

In September, the children were lucky enough to take part in an overnight residential trip to Kench Hill. They enjoyed learning circus skills, den building, bug hunting, orienteering, about different animals, gardening, bread making and much more. More importantly, the children learnt the importance of friendship, team building and being independent!

What a great experience!