Author: year5
Term 5 KIRFs
This term in Year 5, we will be focusing on learning factor pairs.
Please make sure that you are practicing these at home as they will really help the children to build on their knowledge and understanding of number.
Welcome back to Term 4!
Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you had a fantastic half-term break!
Here is an overview of the term ahead:
Mr Hooper and Miss Welsh
Computing – Mars Rover
In our Computing lessons this term we have been learning all about the Mars Rover – Curiosity. We learnt how this machine is able to input, analyze and output data, sending its findings back to Earth with the use of binary code.
In this week’s lesson we learnt about the CPU and how it is a little bit like the computers brain. We learnt that computers are able to process codes (which are written in binary) and use this to follow instructions.
Then, we went outside and thought a bit more about how this works. In pairs, one of us pretended to be Curiosity while the other was the technician back on Earth. The technician had to give the rover a certain amount of code (information) at a time and then the rover had to follow it. If the rover found a problem the technician had to edit their code to help the rover.
We then learnt about giving conditional instructions and linked this back to our learning on Scratch.
Year 5 – Space and Earth
This week in our Science lesson, Year 5 created a scale model of the Solar System. We used lots of different objects to compare the scale of the planets, such as peppercorns, basketballs and oranges. We were very surprised at how much bigger Jupiter is than Mercury! We also used toilet roll to compare the distance between each planet. Each sheet of toilet roll represented 16 million km!
Term 1 Week 7
Wow! What a fantastic first term we have had in Year 5! We have done so much learning and been so proud of how Year 5 have persevered even when things were tricky.
This week we were able to celebrate:
Our Star of the Week- Elliott (Willow Class)
Our Reader of the Week- Artem (Maple Class)
Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winner – Harley P (Maple Class)
Our Ambition value award winners – Robbie (Willow Class)
Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)
Term 1 Week 5
We have enjoyed another fantastic week in Year 5! We have learned how to write to persuade and about what it would be like to live on a mountain.
This week we were able to celebrate:
Our Star of the Week- Harley C (Willow Class)
Our Reader of the Week- Grace (Maple Class)
Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winner – Matthew (Maple Class)
Our Ambition value award winners- Logan A ( Willow Class)
Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)
Term 1 Week 4
We have enjoyed another great week in Year 5! We have learned about separating mixtures and the 5 different types of mountain!
This week we were able to celebrate:
Our Star of the Week- Lilly (Maple Class)
Our Reader of the Week- Harley C (Willow Class)
Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winners- Billy G (Willow Class)
Our Ambition value award winners- Sienna (Maple Class)
Remember to think about how you can achieve your ambitions in the next few weeks before the holiday!
Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)
Separating Mixtures in Year 5
We all had great fun learning about the different methods for separating mixtures. We learned about sieving, decanting, evaporation, magnetic sorting and others!
Check out the pictures below to get an idea of the fun (and mess) we enjoyed!
Term 1 Week 3
We have had another fantastic week in school; the children have learnt about how to separate different materials, practiced calculations using Roman Numerals and written some brilliant Newspaper Reports!
This week we were able to celebrate:
Our Star of the Week- Ella (Willow Class)
Our Reader of the Week- Bailey (Maple Class)
Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winners- Ronnie (Maple Class)
Our Ambition value award winners- Freddie (Willow Class)
Have a restful weekend and we are looking forward to another week of exciting learning next week!
Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)