Welcome back

Maple leaf  Miss Jones and Miss Franks welcome you to Year 5.  Willow leaf

Miss Jones and Miss Franks would like to say a huge welcome back to everyone moving up to year 5.


Welcome everyone.

🙂 We have had a great start to the year. 🙂


In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring”  Why not ask your child about these stories?  Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.


In Maths we have started the year off by investigating Place Value.


In Science we will be exploring the solar system.


‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic.  Watch this space for more information.


Thank you to all students who have already brought in their PE kits.  PE is on a Thursday afternoon.

Any questions?

Please feel free to email us.





Year 5

Miss Jones and Miss Franks would like to say a huge welcome back to everyone moving up to year 5.


Welcome everyone.

🙂 We have had a great start to the year. 🙂


In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring’  Why not ask you r child about these stores?  Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.


In Maths we have kicked started the year off by investigating Place Value.


In Science we will be exploring the solar system.


‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic.  Watch this space for more information.













Week 5

  • This week we have been rehearsing for our performance “Opening Night”on Monday 10th July.  Please see the school office for tickets.
  • Please remember to learn the words of all the songs we will be performing.  thumbnail of Opening Night – Word Sheet
  • Good luck to all of those taking part in the cricket and District sports.  Well-done to Olivia R who stood in last minute to help out the cricket team.

Week 4

It has been a really busy week with singing rehearsals and the Marsh Olympics.

Please ensure you return your permission slips for the concert on Monday 10th.

Week 3

Book week – thank you all for making such a huge effort with your costumes for Book week.  Look out for more photos.

We had a great time meeting Brian Moses and Charlie Wilson.  

Week 2

What a fantastic end to the first week back!  Well-done to everyone involved in the Race for Life on Friday.  

££ We are yet to find out the grand total but every little helps, so please remember to return your sponsorship forms (and money) to the school office ASAP. ££


This week we have started to read our new book, ‘A Journey to the River Sea’.

In English we will be looking at planning, writing and editing, innovations to the journey story started in Week 1.

SPAG focus is on direct speech.


We have been looking at converting different units of measure.

We have explored imperial measurements such as miles, feet and inches, pints and gallons!

Homework this week

Awards and Praise 

Mathletics update

Have you checked out the new look Mathematics?  

Log on now to see what has changed. 


The current class leaders can be seen below.


Harvey and Shanelle still hold the title of King and Queen of Mathletics – can anyone knock them off the top spot?

Well-done to Harvey, George C and Luke who together have over 36000 live points!


Please ask your teacher if you would like your certificates printed. 

Summer Term

Welcome back – we hope you have enjoyed the break 🙂 

This term is crammed full of exciting dates for your diary.

Week 1:


Race for Life

Week 2:

On Friday 16th June we have an outside company coming in to work with Yr5 on the theme of Victorians (our book focus last term).  Please ensure you return your permission slips and voluntary donations ASAP.

Parent consultations are this week (Tuesday and Friday)

Week 3:

Book week – book character dress up day – real life poet Brian Moses – Book fair – PJ evening – look out for a flyer advertising the week.

Dates TBC

  • Sports Day
  • Marsh Olympics
  • Singing Yr 5



What a week!  Well done to all the children, with CAT testing and assessments in Maths, English and SPAG it has been a challenging week.


This week your child sat CAT TESTS. Next week you will receive your child’s results.

After the half term break there will be a meeting for anyone interested in discussing these results and to provide you with information regarding the application process for the Kent/Shepway tests.

Awards and Praise – Week 4

Willow: Star of the Week 🙂 Jake
Maple: Work to be proud of 🙂 Olivia Roxby – outstanding homework

Mathletics update

The current class leaders can be seen below.

Well-done to Harvey who has maintained the top spot in Maple class.

Maple – Harvey and Shanelle 🙂 

Willow  – Madison and Keira 🙂 

Awards and Praise – Week 3

Maple: Star of the Week 🙂 Max 
Willow: Work to be proud of 🙂 TBC


Week 2

In English, we have been looking at the rags to riches story of Dick Whittington.  We will be moving onto the innovation stage of our Talk for Writing English, looking at the alterations and additions that could be made to the original plot.

In maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of angles.  Why not challenge your child to explore the different types of angles around the house?

Welcome back Term 5 Week 1


What a great start to the term.

PE: Just a reminder that PE is now on Mondays and your child should have a full PE kit in school as per our uniform list.

Please see the office for any queries regarding what is acceptable school PE Kit.

REPORTS: School reports were handed out on Friday – please speak to your class teacher on Monday if you require a ‘drop in’ on Tuesday to discuss any aspect of your child’s report.


Awards and Praise

Maple: Star of the Week 🙂 Luke Hopper
Willow: Work to be proud of 🙂 Danny – Jay Long

Mathletics update

The current class leaders can be seen below.

Well-done to Harvey who has maintained the top spot in Maple class.  Also to Shanelle who has risen to the top of the usage charts!

Maple – Harvey and Shanelle 🙂 

Willow  – Daisy May and Kiaran 🙂 


Please click here to find the homework set on the 21st April.thumbnail of The_Buzz_term 5



Week 6 – Both Miss Franks and Miss Lee wish you all a relaxing and safe Easter break.

Greek food tasting!

A huge thank you to Miss Vidler for providing year 5 with some delicious Greek food to taste, as a fitting finale to our IPC topic, The Bold and The Brave.

The children had the option of sampling hummus, olives, raisins, celery, grapes, flat bread, ciabatta bread and green beans.  For many of the children, it was their first taste of some of these foods.

Here are some of the comments from the children:

I enjoyed the flat bread.  It was not only flavoursome, but also quite powdery.’ – Lucy.

I enjoyed the grapes the best because they were juicy and delicious.’ – Madison.

I liked the flat bread and the ciabatta bread – they were both very nice.’ – Charlotte.

I loved the flat bread with the hummus because it tasted like coleslaw.  I’d recommend this Greek food!’ – Matilda.

Awards and Praise

Willow: Star of the Week 🙂  Frankie
Maple: Work to be proud of 🙂 Sam Cook for Maths

thumbnail of The_Buzz_term 5

Mathletics update

The current class leaders can be seen below.

Watch this space as we will be checking the leaderboards during the first week back.

Maple – Harvey and Isabelle 🙂 

Willow  – Daisy May and Kiaran 🙂 

Week 6 Monday 27th March 2017

Week 5 was assessment week.  Well done to everyone for giving 100%.

Buster Book Club

Well done to Willow class for improving their home reading this week.

They improved so much that they won the Buster Book Club award. Keep up the excellent home reading 🙂

Awards and Praise

Maple: Star of the Week 🙂  Jessica G
Willow : Work to be proud of 🙂 Daisy – May


Mathletics update

Mathletics is hotting up!  The current class leaders can be seen below.  Each week we will update this page to show our current ‘Mathletic Kings and Queens’!!

Celebrate success together – why not ask your child to show you their Mathletic points and certificates (these can be found on your child’s Mathletic dashboard).

Mathletic Kings Mathletic Queens
Maple Harvey SR Isabelle K
Willow TBC TBC


This week we will starting to read the fantastic book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty.  Please question your child about the story. It really is a brilliant read.

Just a reminder that your child should be reading at least 4 times a week.

Please ensure you record in your child’s reading log when they have read.  Please remind your child to bring in their reading logs everyday.


Last week we had lots of fun making and testing rubber balls as part of Science week.  The theme for the week was ‘Change’.  We took this theme into maths and investigated how we could make simple changes to the structure of shapes.

Assessment week

This week children will be undertaking formal assessments in Maths (Arithmetic/Problem solving & reasoning), Reading, SPAG, Spelling and Writing.


Homework set last week is due on Wednesday 22nd.  Please click below to find the homework.

thumbnail of The_Buzz_wk4

Awards and Praise

🙂 Star of the week                 Maddie
🙂 Work to be proud of            Lotti M Maple



4 Monday 13th March 2017

Science week

This week is jammed full of experiences and adventure as it is British Science Week!

On Tuesday we will be experimenting with solutions to make rubber balls.

All this week we will be taking part in a national week of Scientific exploration and experimentation. British Science week 2017. Check out these pages for further updates throughout the week.


This week we will be selecting the Year 5 Hockey team – please see your teachers and Mrs Arnold to find out more.

Keep reading…

Keep recording the minutes you’ve read.  The challenge lasts until the end of this week.


Check out Friday’s newsletter ‘The Buzz’ for home learning. Home learning is set every Friday and due the following Wednesday. Click on the image below to view the homework set on Friday 10th.

thumbnail of The_Buzz_wk3

Wow what a fantastic week we’ve just had.

Week 3 


Last Wednesday, every student (between Yr 1 and Yr 6) took part in a virtual reality experience allowing them to view some incredible, even out of this world experiences.

Thank you to Stuart and the team from Google Expeditions.


Huge praise to the Yr 5 football team. Great effort from all of you.

Buster Book Club

Well done to Maple class for improving their home reading this week.  

They improved so much that they won the Buster Book Club award. Keep up the excellent home reading 🙂 

Awards and Praise 

Star of the Week George R (Maple) 🙂
Work to be proud of Madison C (Willow) 🙂


Term 4 Week 4

Wow what a fantastic week we’ve just had.

Last Wednesday, every student (between Yr 1 and Yr 6) took part in a virtual reality experience allowing them to view some incredible, even out of this world experiences.

Thank you to Stuart and the Team from Google Expeditions.


Huge praise to the Yr 5 football team.  Great effort from all of you.


Week 4 

Science week

This week is jammed full of experiences and adventure as it is British Science Week!

All this week we will be taking part in a national week of Scientific exploration and experimentation. British Science week 2017.  Check out these pages for further updates throughout the week.


This week we will be selecting the Yr5 Hockey team – please see your teachers and Mrs Arnold to find out more.



Check out Friday’s newsletter ‘The Buzz’ for home learning.  Home learning is set every Friday and due the following Wednesday.

Week 3

Week 6

Well done to everyone who has been busy on Mathletics.

Maths and English

This week we will be continuing to develop our fluency and application of fractions.

We will also be finishing ‘Shackleton’s Journey’.

Tuesday 7th February is Internet Safety day – click here for more information.


See this weeks Yr 5 Newsletter ‘The Buzz’ for homework and further information. The_Buzz_wk5


Buster Book Club.  

Huge praise to everyone who read for Buster Book club this week 🙂








Maple leaf  Miss Jones and Miss Franks welcome you to Year 5.  Willow leaf

Miss Jones and Miss Franks would like to say a huge welcome back to everyone moving up to year 5.


Welcome everyone.

🙂 We have had a great start to the year. 🙂


In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring’  Why not ask you r child about these stores?  Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.


In Maths we have kicked started the year off by investigating Place Value.


In Science we will be exploring the solar system.


‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic.  Watch this space for more information.


Thankyou to all students who have already brought in their PE kits.  PE is on a Thursday  afternoon.

Any questions?

Please feel free to email us.







Welcome to Term 6 Remote Learning Week 14 Monday 13th July

Year 5  – Welcome to Term 6 🙂

Week 14 – Monday 13th July

Overview for Week 14

Year 5 Home learning overview for Week 14 – Week beginning Monday 13thJuly 2020

We are continuing to use the Oak National Academy Website but will link these with your CPG work books and other resources to support this learning too. Please find below activities and links to each subject we would like your child to complete.

Remember, everything we provide is here to give you ideas. If you have been completing other things that work for your child, please continue to do so.



Oak National Academy 

This week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy all about Short Stories.  Click on link below and scroll down until you find the lessons on Biographies



·      Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

·      Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).


Need a new book?

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level for you to read. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Find a new book to read or listen to one on here: https://magicblox.com


Spelling: Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 spelling lists and the spelling activities included in the Oak Academy English lessons if you are following these.

Try this https://spellingframe.co.uk to practise your spellings.  There are many free activities that you can do.   If there is a particular spelling pattern that you were unsure of when completing your Read Write Inc spelling book, have a look at www.spellingframe.co.uk for that pattern and practise it. You could also turn to page 68 of your CPG Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book and complete a spelling activity here too.


SPAG:  Complete a page each day. Use the BBC bitesize if you need a recap.

You can complete any parts of the book that haven’t been completed now too.

Also, have a go at completing these online tests on the CPG website.  https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-spag-online-10-minute-tests-years-1

Foundation Subjects

As it is the final week of the school year this week, we would like the children to design a poster (or multimedia presentation) of everything that they have learnt over the year. We would like them to reflect on what they have enjoyed: topics, trips and anything else they remember with fondness.  If children have access to ICT then please encourage them to create this electronically.

Also, in school we have been reading the story ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz and will be watching the film this week. The film can be streamed using Amazon Prime if you have access to this.  Please ensure you ask an adult before watching this film.  It is classified as a PG.





Week 13 – Click on the image to open the overview for this week. 

thumbnail of Overview for Week 13

Year 5 Home learning overview for Week 13 – Week beginning Monday 6thJuly 2020

We are continuing to use the Oak National Academy Website but will link these with your CPG work books and other resources to support this learning too. Please find below activities and links to each subject we would like your child to complete.

Remember, everything we provide is here to give you ideas. If you have been completing other things that work for your child, please continue to do so.


Oak National Academy 

This week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy all about Biographies.  Click on link below and scroll down until you find the lessons on Biographies


Talk for Writing –  Write an adventure story – Mission Impossible.

If you prefer you could use this link to the Talk for Writing booklet and work through this each day.  There are no videos to watch for this.    



·      Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

·      Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Need a new book?

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level for you to read. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Find a new book to read or listen to one on here: https://magicblox.com

Spelling: Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 spelling lists and the spelling activities included in the Oak Academy English lessons if you are following these.

Try this https://spellingframe.co.uk to practise your spellings.  There are many free activities that you can do.   If there is a particular spelling pattern that you were unsure of when completing your Read Write Inc spelling book, have a look at www.spellingframe.co.uk for that pattern and practise it. You could also turn to page 68 of your CPG Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book and complete a spelling activity here too.

SPAG:  Complete a page each day. Use the BBC bitesize if you need a recap.

Also, have a go at completing these online tests on the CPG website.  https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-spag-online-10-minute-tests-years-1  


Mathematical Fluency – Use Times Table Rock Stars to practise your times tables and corresponding division facts. Also try one of these CPG online maths testshttps://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-maths-online-10-minute-tests-years

Like English, this week you will be continuing with a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy.  You will need a sharp pencil and your home learning book (or paper) to write your answers down.  You will be working on the sections titled Calculating with whole numbers and decimals– click on the link below and scroll down to find these sections.


Use your CGP Grammar, Year 5 Maths book to find some work on problem solving; this will support the work you are doing in Maths this week.

Foundation Subjects

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day.

PE can be completed whenever and as often as you wish.

Monday : Science

In this lesson, we will be learning all about static electricity. We will learn how static charges occur and what happens when they are discharged. We will also be exploring how to create our own static charges with a balloon! If you have a balloon at home, then you can use it for this lesson. If you don’t, then do not worry, you will still be able to watch the demonstrations and complete the lesson.


Tuesday: Computing

Choose from one of the activities below:

Explore how to keep safe and use trustworthy resources whilst online:


Practise your touch typing:


Practise your coding skills using Hour of Code or Scratch tutorials:





This week’s Faith at Home episode explores the theme of PATIENCE – with input from Father Nicholas Crowe, Catholic priest and Dominican friar exploring approaches to patience – plus prayers, reflections, activities and fun from student leaders in Northampton and London.

Watch this week’s episode and reflect on the issues it discusses.

Wednesday : Art / Music

 In today’s lesson we are discussing different colours in music and how different pieces of music can make us feel different emotions.


Thursday : PSHE

A break from Topic this week, instead we would like you to explore the issue of leadership and teamwork. In today’s lesson, the Prime Minister has contracted COVID-19 through shaking hands during his official work.

You must step up as his Deputy Prime Minister to lead the country by way of a formal public letter of guidance. The lesson works towards creating leaders – where we must think about how to provide the most relevant information in order that it influences people to act responsibly, collectively, and effectively. This guidance as a leader will help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, thereby saving lives!


Friday : French

Watch the videos and complete the activities to learn how to speak about your school life and your hobbies in French.


Any day : PE

This term is all about Outdoor Adventurous Activities so continue to do as many of these activities as possible.

You can download the activity list from here and tick them off as you go.



Week 12 : Here is the overview for week 10’s home learning – week beginning Monday 30th June 2020

thumbnail of Ancient-Greek-Vases thumbnail of Greek-Patterns thumbnail of Overview for Week 12

Week 11 : Here is the overview for week 11’s home learning – week beginning Monday 22nd June 2020

thumbnail of Overview for Week 11_updated


Week 10

Here is the overview for week 10’s home learning – week beginning Monday 15th June 2020

thumbnail of Overview for Week 10

English : This week you will be following a series of online lessons all about setting description.  
Monday In this lesson, we are going to learn how retrieve information using a setting description.


Tuesday In this lesson, we are going to learn how retrieve information using a setting description.


Wednesday In the lesson, we are going to identify the features of a setting description.


Thursday In this lesson, we are going to focus on the use of parenthesis in a setting description.


Friday In this lesson, we are going to write a setting description.



Talk for Writing: If you prefer you could use the link below to access the Talk for Writing booklet and work through this each day.  There are no videos to accompany this.







Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 spelling lists and the spelling activities included in the Oak Academy English lessons if you are following these.

Try this https://spellingframe.co.uk to practise your spellings.  There are many free activities that you can do.   If there is a particular spelling pattern that you were unsure of when completing your Read Write Inc spelling book, have a look at www.spellingframe.co.uk for that pattern and practise it.

You could also turn to page 68 of your CPG Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book and complete a spelling activity too.

Also, have a go at completing these online tests on the CPG website.  https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-spag-online-10-minute-tests-years-1  
Maths: Mathematical Fluency – Use Times Table Rock Stars to practise your times tables and corresponding division facts.

Also try one of these CPG online maths tests https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-maths-online-10-minute-tests-years

Monday This is the sixth lesson on our unit of conversion. In this lesson we explore the difference between imperial and metric units. This lesson will focus on converting between miles and kilometres – a real life skill that you will use for the rest of your life.


Tuesday In our seventh lesson of this unit, we will be focusing on converting between grams and kilograms. We will start the lesson with a focus on how and why we measure in grams in kilograms, before moving onto converting between grams and kilograms and then finishing with how to read scales in which not all numbers are shown


Wednesday In our eighth lesson on our units on conversion, we will be building on the work we did in lesson seven on converting units of mass. In this lesson, we will be focusing on converting kilograms to tonnes, and putting this in a real life context.


Thursday In the penultimate lesson of this unit we are going to investigate the difference between imperial pounds and metric kilograms. As with our exploration of miles and kilometres, we are going to use approximate conversions to solve problems.


Friday In the last lesson of this unit, we are going to apply all the work that we have done on length over the past 9 lessons. We are going to explore Leonardo DaVinci’s famous Vitruvian Man, the maths that it holds within it and apply that to our own bodies.


Turn to pages 21, 22 and 44, 45, 46 and 47 of your CGP Grammar, Year 5 Maths book to find some work on Metric and Imperial Units; this will support the work you are doing in Maths this week.
BBC Bitesize

If you have completed these or want some other ways to learn about conversions look at these websites.



You could also consolidate the learning that we have already completed in previous weeks by completing pages 6-11 in your workbook.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh8dmp3/articles/zpx2qty use this video to help you with rounding.

Foundation Subjects

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day.

PE can be completed whenever and as often as you wish.



In this lesson, we will learn about our third type of rock: sedimentary rock. We will look at the steps needed to make sedimentary rock and how fossils are formed in sedimentary rock. We will then learn what a palaeontologist is and identify some different fossils. For this lesson you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.




Internet Research and Webpage Design

This week you will be evaluating webpages. I would like you to go to a webpage of your choice: maybe one that you use regularly. Then evaluate the website by commenting on the list of features below.

Evaluate the Websites by writing about:

1.     The colours used

2.     The font type, size and colour

3.     How images are used

4.     How animation or video is used.

5.     The overall layout of the pages, including text/images

6.     How the site is organised, including how easy it is to navigate around the site.



This week we will be finding what the key beliefs of Muslims are and how this affects their life.

One of the most important beliefs in Islam and forms one of the five pillars of Islam. The Shahadah says ‘I witness that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah’.   Watch the first 1min 30seconds of this videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2OepFfxZVI

The Sharhadah is used in two ways: call to prayer  www.islamcan.com/audio/adhan/index.shtml

and the first words a newborn baby hears (the father whispers the words into the baby’s ear).

Activity 1 – what belief or value is so important to you that you would shout it form the roof tops?

Activity 2 – Read this story about Bilal (the first Muezzin) http://mmiweb.org.uk/microsites/religiousstories/muslim/bilal.pdf

Now decide (with evidence) what mattered most to Bilal.  Was it his work, his own comfort, using the gifts God gave him, being loyal to his friends, serving Allah, escaping from slavery, preserving his own life, praying, following the prophet, obeying his master, fashionable clothes, helping other people?



In this lesson we will look at an Optical Illusion artwork before creating our own. You will learn to shade in to show that an object is three-dimensional. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/optical-illusions-and-using-shading-to-show-form



This week you will find out about the daily life during Ancient Greek times. There is a story to read, explore ancient pots to find out about the stories they tell and then the challenge is to make a virtual Greek house.




Try completing these activities all about jobs around the house.

Select the full tutorial from the road map.





This term is all about Outdoor Adventurous Activities so continue to do as many of these activities as possible. You can download the activity list from here and tick them off as you go.








Week 9

Here is the overview for week 9’s home learning – week beginning Monday 8th June 2020



This week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy all about Character Description.

Monday Day 1: In this lesson, we are going to learn how to retrieve information using a character description with a focus on fact retrieval. Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Tuesday Day 2: In this lesson, we are going to learn how to clarify word meaning questions using a character description.   Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Wednesday Day 3:  In this lesson, we are going to identify the features of a character description.  Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Thursday Day 4:   In this lesson, we are going to focus on the use of relative clauses in a character description.  Click the link below for today’s lesson.



https://imoves.com/home-learning/1121 a little active learning all about relative clauses if you fancy it too.

Friday Day 5:  In this lesson, we are going to write a character description.  Click the link below for today’s lesson.  https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/english/character-description-write-a-character-description-year-5-wk2-5

Also, have a go at completing these online tests on the CPG website.  https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-primary-spag-online-10-minute-tests-years-1  



·       Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

·       Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Need a new book?

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level for you to read .


Find a new book to read or listen to one on here: https://magicblox.com

Spelling: Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 spelling lists and the spelling activities included in the Oak Academy English lessons.

Try this https://spellingframe.co.uk to practise your spellings.  There are many free activities that you can do.   If there is a particular spelling pattern that you were unsure of when completing your Read Write Inc spelling book, have a look at www.spellingframe.co.uk for that pattern and practise it.

SPAG: Turn to pages 16, 17, 18 & 19  of your CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book to find some work on relative clauses; this will support the work you are doing in English this week.


Maths: Like English, this week you will be continuing with a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy.  You will need a sharp pencil and your home learning book (or paper) to write your answers down.
Monday Day 1: This week we will be learning about converting units of measure. In this lesson you will be converting seconds, minutes and hours.  We will start with a revision of time facts. As the lesson develops, we will hone our skills of converting between seconds, minutes and hours and by the end of this lesson, you will be solving time-related problems on a blank number line whilst also converting units of time.



Tuesday Day 2:   In lesson 2 of our unit on converting measures, we will be deepening our understanding by solving time problems and representing them using bar models. We will work through several problems together which will increase in difficulty. By the end of this lesson, you will have explored the underlying structures which help us convert units of time and solve problems.


Wednesday Day 3:  In lesson 3 of our unit on converting measures, we are going to focus on converting between units of length. We will start with a revision of conversion facts between millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. Using these facts, we will apply these to some real-life problems around the Olympics. We will also bring in non-standard units thinking about how many laps different track races at the Olympics are.



Thursday Day 4:   In the fourth lesson of this unit, we will continue to look at length. We will apply everything we have learnt about length so far and apply it to some example of real-life problems. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to convert different units of length so that you can spot errors and solve logistical problems.



Friday Day 5:  In lesson 5 of our unit on converting measurements, we will be combining our knowledge of perimeter and converting units to find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.



Turn to pages 44, 45, 46 & 47  of your CGP Grammar, Year 5 Maths book to find some work on Metric and Imperial Units;

this will support the work you are doing in Maths this week.





Foundation subjects – remember these can be done on any day, the timetable is just a suggestion. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
In this lesson, we are going to learn about metamorphic rock! We are going to learn why it is called metamorphic rock and how it is made. Then we will look at some different examples of metamorphic rock and discuss how their properties make them fit for their uses. For this lesson, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler.
In this lesson you will learn about abstraction.  You will play a game that requires simplifying things.  Click here for the game.  
We will be finding out about The five Pillars of Islam. The lesson outcome will be:
I can make connections between Muslim practice of the Five Pillars and their beliefs about God and the Prophet Muhamad.
• I can give examples of how each pillar might affect the life of a Muslim.
Watch the video about the Five Pillars of Islam and then answer the questions.  Video.
1.)    What are the five pillars of Islam?
2.)    Why are they important to Muslims?
3.)    How might the five pillars help muslims in their lives?
Use this web page to help you answer the questions too
In this lesson, we are going to look at how Vincent van Gogh used visual texture in his sketchbook, then explore pencils and mark-making to enhance our own work.
Click here for the lesson.
This week we will find out about Athens – one of the most important cities in Ancient Greece.
You will take a tour, find out about the citizens and then complete the challenge of finding the citizens.
Click here for the web resource.
This term is all about Outdoor Adventurous Activities. Over half term one of the activities was the national Trust 50 things to do before you turn 11 ¾, you PE for this term is to continue to do as many of these activities as possible.
You can download the activity list from here and tick them off as you go.
Try completing these activities all about what is in your bedroom.
Select the full tutorial from the road map.


Here is the overview for week 8’s Home-learning.

thumbnail of Overview for Week 8_final

Overview for this week can be found here: Overview for Week 8_final.pdf



This week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy all about Instruction Writing.

Day 1: Today you are going to be completing a reading comprehension with a focus on language. Using the text to find the answer.

Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Day 2: Today you are going to be looking at word meaning and completing a reading comprehension.

Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Day 3: Today you are going to explore the features of a set of instructions.

Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Day 4: In today’s lesson you are going to have a SPaG focus – Cohesive devices.

Click the link below for today’s lesson.


Day 5: Today you are going to put all your learning together and write a set of instructions.

Click the link below for today’s lesson.



• Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

• Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Need a new book?

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level for you to read .


Find a new book to read or listen to on here: https://magicblox.com

Spelling: Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 * 4 and 5 & 6 spelling lists and the spelling activities

included in the Oak Academy lessons. Try this https://spellingframe.co.uk to practise your spellings. There are many

free activities that you can do.

SPAG: Have a look at some of these games to consolidate your SPaG learning.


Maths: Like English, this week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy. You will need a sharp pencil and your home learning book (or paper) to write your answers down.
Day 1: Today we will be learning about reflections. We will be understanding what mathematical reflections are and will learn what a line of reflection is. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify how a shape has been reflected.


Day 2: Today we will be describing reflections using coordinates. We will be focusing on reflecting a shape along a line of reflection and using coordinates to describe the shape. You will also have an opportunity to reason about how and why reflections work.


Day 3: Today we will be reflecting shapes along axis. We will be using the X and Y axes as lines of reflection and using coordinates to describe the reflection that has taken place. In addition, we will also be creating rules to help us reflect shapes more easily.


Day 4: Today we will be learning how to reason using reflection. Yesterday, we worked on creating generalisations about reflections along the X and Y axes and today we will be using those generalisations to reflect shapes using just one coordinate.


Day 5: Today we will be reflecting shapes along axis. We will be returning to a four-quadrant grid. We will be using the X and Y axes as lines of reflection and using coordinates to describe the reflection that has taken place.

In addition, we will also be creating rules to help us reflect shapes more easily.



Foundation subjects

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day. PE can be completed as often as you wish.


In this lesson we are going to be learning about igneous rock.

We are going to learn about the structure of the Earth, how to recognise igneous rock and some of the uses of igneous rock.

We will also learn how igneous rock is made, using ice and chocolate as a model!

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson.



Develop your coding skills by building a Star Wars inspired galaxy.

Click on the blocks activity.


We will be finding out about Islam.

Use the video to find out about

Ramadam and then answer these 3

questions in your homelearning book.

1.) What is Ramadam?

2.) Why do Muslims fast?

3.) How do Muslims fast?


In this lesson we will create a frottage patchwork from rubbings of textured objects which you find around your home.

You will need a pencil and paper.


Learn all about the Acropolis and then explore some of the buildings found in the Acropolis.

Then complete the challenge of virtually making an Ancient Greek building.



Joe Wicks


Try completing these activities all about the rooms in your house.

Select the full tutorial from the road map.

Science Links
www.thenational.academy/year- 5/foundation/how-isigneous- rock-formedyear- 5-wk1-3
Computing links:
RE links:
Art links:
Topic links:
PE links: Joe Wicks
French links:





























Half Term Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May

Optional activities for the half term week (next week) can be found here  May Half Term.pdf thumbnail of May Half Term

There is no expectation for the children to complete any of these activities as it is Half Term and we think you all deserve a break!

Have a great half term, Miss Franks & Mrs Badar 🙂


This week (18th – 24th May) is Mental Health Awareness week.  Check out the video on NewsRound for some super tips on showing and managing your own emotions.








Welcome to Term 5

Week 7 (week beginning 18th May 2020) Remote Learning overview and resources.

Overview Year 5 _ week 7_a.pdf

Year 5 Home learning overview for Week 7 – Week beginning Monday 18th May 2020

We are moving over to using the Oak National Academy Website for some of our home learning activities. Please find below activities and links to each subject we would like your child to complete.

Remember, everything we provide is here to give you ideas. If you have been completing other things that work for your child, please continue to do so.


Day 1 Monday Day 2 Tuesday Day 3 Wednesday Day 4 Thursday Day 5 Friday
Day 1: Today you are going to learn about inference (inferring from a text).  Click the link below for today’s lesson –


Day 2: Today you are going to be looking at word meaning.  Click the link below for today’s lesson – http://www.thenational.academy/year-5/english/persuasive-letter-reading-comprehension-word-meaning-year-5-wk3-2 Day 3: Today you are going to explore the features of a persuiave letter. Click the link below for today’s lesson –
Day 4: In today’s lesson you are going to focus on the use of a list of three.  Click the link below for today’s lesson – www.thenational.academy/year-5/english/persuasive-letter-spag-focus-list-of-three-year-5-wk3-4 Day 5: Today you are going to put all your learning together and write a persuiave letter. Click the link below for today’s lesson – www.thenational.academy/year-5/english/persuasive-letter-write-a-persuasive-letter-year-5-wk3-5

Like English, this week you will be following a series of online lessons from the Oak National Academy.

You will need a sharp pencil and your home learning book (or paper) to write your answers down.

Day 1 Monday Day 2 Tuesday Day 3 Wednesday Day 4 Thursday Day 5 Friday
Day 1: Today you will be looking at transformations.  Transformations are a way of changing the size or position of the shape.

Click on the link below to access the lesson.



Day 2: Today you will be continuing to look at transformations.

Click on the link below to access the lesson.


Day 3: Today you will be learning about describing positions and coordinates.

Click on the link below to access the lesson.


Day 4:  Today we will be looking at plotting coordinates on a grid with four quadrants.

Click on the link below to access the lesson.




Day 5: Today you will be exploring how to translate more than one coordinate across a grid.

Click on the link below to access the lesson.





·       Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

·       Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Pick an activity from the Reading Grid – found in the resources below.

Need a new book?

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level for you to read .


Find a new book to read or listen to on here: https://magicblox.com

Spelling: Continue with your learning and revision of the Year 3 * 4 and 5 & spelling lists.

SPAG: Complete the SPAG quiz found in the resources below.

Foundation subjects

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day. PE can be completed as often as you wish.

Day 1 Monday Day 2 Tuesday Day 3 Wednesday Day 4 Thursday Day 5 Friday 

Watch the video and/or look at the different diagrams at in the resources below to explore the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects, birds and plants.




Pick two of these (e.g. birds and mammals) and compare their life cycles.

What is similar? What is different?

RE https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z834wmn  watch this video and look at the information below to see what it is like in a Jewish Synagogue.


Your task is either to write a description of what you would see in a Jewish Synagogue or use the worksheet (see resources below) to draw your own Synagogue.


Draw lines to label the things you would expect to see

TOPIC : 2 week of Project task


This is your second week combining all your topic and computing skills together to produce an introductory piece of work for our next topic  – Ancient Greece.


Pick from one of these activities.  You will need to research using the information below and the internet if you have access to it.

·       Make a replica of an ancient Greek building using junk modelling

·       Create a fact file on Ancient Greece

·       Write a message using the Ancient Greek aplhabet

·       Draw a map of Ancient Greece


You MUST let an adult know what you are doing before your start.

Complete your own exercise session:

·       Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30-minute activity twice a week.

·       Personal Best Goal

·       PE at Home challenges

Cosmic Yoga

French – use the vocab found in the resources to accurately write a few sentences describing yourself

Resources for week 7 for RE, French, Science and SPAG can be found here. 













Week 6 (week beginning 11th May 2020) Remote Learning overview and resources.

Overview Year 5 _ week 6.pdf

Like last week, we have included all the worksheets and information required on the overview itself. A summary along with the resources can also be found below.

Subject and resources Work at home ideas





Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Complete 4 reading journal activities from the grid. 

If you have access to the internet then:

Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Find a new book to read on here: https://magicblox.com

This week your teacher will arrange a Guided Reading group Zoom for you to take part in.

Read your group’s text before your Zoom time. It would be really useful if you could have this text available during the sessions.

Reading Extracts can be found below.


Spelling Keep up with the learning of the 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists and complete a section or 2 of your Read Write Inc booklets each day.  These are the units that each group will be working on this week.

  • Mrs Bader Group – Unit 12
  • Miss Franks Group – Unit 12
  • Miss Judge and Miss Banks Group – Unit 15
English – writing  We will continue with the text ‘The Game’ this week. Re-read the text so you are familiar with it.  This week you will be writing your own story based on the boxed-up planner that you completed last week.  Think about sentence structures, use different sentence openers (ISPACED), use description (figurative language and expanded noun phrases) to add interest.

Day 1 – Today focus on the opening. Look back at the story ‘The Game’ see if you can use the structure form that. Introduce the character and describe the setting.

Day 2 – Today’s focus is the main character finding something they have not seen before and what happens to the main character.

Day 3 – Today write the resolution – how did the main character stop the strange things and end the story by showing how it all went back to normal.

Day 4 – Spend some time editing and improving your work today.

Day 5: Publish it.  Write it out or type it up, if you have the time why not include an illustration.

English – SPAG  This week we are going to look at synonyms.

Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning:

Words such as happy, cheerful and merry.

Words such as sad, miserable and heartbroken

Watch this video to recap on synonyms and then have a go at the worksheet on the overview.




Day 1: Today we are going to be revising negative numbers.

If you have access to the internet watch the short video clip and take part in the quiz before moving onto the activities. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znwj6sg/articles/zxthnbk

The tasks for day 1 can be found on the overview.

Day 2:  Let’s continue to revise negative numbers.  Task 1: Can you use negative numbers to solve real life problems – see the overview.

Day 3: Today we will be revising rounding. Revise rounding by reading the information below and if you have access to the internet, watch the short video clip below: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh8dmp3/articles/zpx2qty

Next complete the task son the overview.

Day 4 & 5: Roman Numerals  – complete the activities from the overview.

Science This week we are going to look at the life cycle of mammals.

Watch the video below if you are able to and/or look at the pictures of the lifecycle of a mouse and dog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=V4j20B66t_0&feature=emb_logo  

Now draw a lifecycle of another mammal. Can you annotate your lifecycle with information and keywords that you have learnt from the video?

PE Before starting these activities, you MUST let an adult know what you are doing – find a clear area to do this and follow the instructions carefully!

Now complete your own exercise:

  • Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30-minute activity twice a week.
  • Personal Best Goal
  • PE at Home challenges
  • Cosmic Yoga
French We are going to look at a well-known fable this week – you may have heard of it – The Hare and the Tortoise.  Listen to the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIAoNA0Ei_k .

Now draw a story map.  Can you use any of these words to annotate your story map?

If you do not have access to the internet, then use last week’s work to write a simple conversation about the weather this week.



This week we are going to find out the Shema, which is one of the most important prayers in the Jewish faith.

Watch this video to find out about it https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zqkq6sg

Now answer these questions in full sentences.



2 week Project task

Over the next two weeks we would like you to combine all your topic and computing skills together to produce an introductory piece of work for our next topic  – Ancient Greece.

Pick from one of these acticities.  You will need to reaserch using the information below and the internet if you have access to it.

  • Make a replica of an ancient Greek building using junk modelling
  • Create a fact file on Ancient Greece
  • Write a message using the Ancient Greek aplhabet
  • Draw a map of Ancient Greece

Some useful websites:



Useful information



Week 5 (week beginning 4th May 2020) Remote Learning overview and resources.

We have tried to make it easier for you by including all the worksheets and information required  on the overview. A summary along with the resources can also be found below.

Overview Year 5_ week 5.pdf


Subject and resources Work at home ideas

Reading Journal Activities.pdf

Reading :

Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Complete 4 reading journal activities from the grid. 

If you have access to the internet then:

Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level to


Find a new book to read on here:


Spelling Spelling:

Keep up with the learning of the 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists and complete a section or 2 of your Read Write Inc booklets each day.

These are the units that each group will be working on this week.

  • Mrs Bader Group – Unit 11
  • Miss Franks Group – Unit 11
  • Miss Judge and Miss Banks Group – Unit 14
english English:

We will continue with the text ‘The Game’ this week. Re-read the text so you are familiar with it.  All the resources nd guidance you need for each day is found on the overview. 

Day 1 – plan a new section of the story.

Day 2 – use the section of text that we planned yesterday to write some sentences and plan a new setting.

Day 3 – Write a new problem using the previous 2 days work.

Day 4 – Box up a new finding tale

Relative clause SPAG.pdf SPAG:

Look at this video again.


Now complete the relative clause activityRelative clause SPAG.pdf this will help to really embed this skill that we were recapping on last week.


Day 1

Day 1 Prime

Day 2 



Silver activity can be found on pages 5 & 6 of booklet above.

Day 3

Counting in Powers of 10 Challenge Cards.pdf

Counting Forwards in Powers of 10.pdf

Counting Forwards and Backwards in Powers of 10.pdf

Counting Back in Powers of 10.pdf Answers.pdf

Day 4

See Overview

Maths : This week we are going to continue our revision of Year 5 Place Value. The activities are summarised below but please see the overview for more detailed explanations and tasks. 

Day 1:Prime Numbers

Today we are going to revise Prime Numbers.  Prime numbers are special numbers that can only be divided by themselves and 1.

  • 19 is a prime number. It can only be divided by 1 and 19.
  • 9 is not a prime number. It can be divided by 3 as well as 1 and 9.
  • The prime numbers below 20 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19.
  • Don’t forget: the number 1 is not thought of as a prime number.

If you can, use the link below to watch the video and have a go at Activity 1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvv6t39

Next, complete either the Bronze or Silver Prime Number Challenge.


Day 2: Squared Numbers. 

If you can, look at this clip to remind yourself what squared numbers are  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zyhs7p3/articles/z2ndsrd.

Now show your understanding by working through Tasks 1 & 2.  For Task 1 pick your challenge or have a go at completing both!


Day 3:  Today we are going to be revising place value by counting forwards and backwards in powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000, 10,000).

Look at the overview for the tasks.

Task 1: Counting Forward in Powers of 10.  Pick your challenge (bronze, silver and gold) and complete the activities.


Day 4:  Lets continue to revise counting forwards and backwards back but in a different way.  Use your PV knowledge to complete these two tasks. 

Task 1: Pick you challenge and complete the number sentences. These can be found on the overview.

Friday : Bank Holiday 

See overview for revision activities.


Science Science: This week we are going to continue learning about a plant’s lifecycle.  Look at the life cycle fact poster.  If you have access to the internet then watch the videos clips below to find out more on how flowering plants reproduce:



Create a piece of work showing the life cycle of a flower/plant.



Topic: To mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the second World War in Europe, on Friday May 8th the country will be celebrating VE day.  If you can, watch the video clips below or have a look at the information in the PPT  to find out more about VE day.  You can find everything on the overview as-well.



Your task:  Think about how you would tell the story of VE Day today. There are lots of ways you could bring the story of VE Day to life.  You could use artwork, text, music, video – it is totally up to you.

You could:

  • Write a short news report in the style of today or 75 years ago
  • Make a short video that tells the story of VE Day, either in the style of 75 years ago or how you would tell it today
  • Design a newspaper front page or article
  • Write or perform a poem, song, drawing or other work of art
  • Share the story of someone in your family or area who was involved in the War
  • Write or perform a short play about VE Day and what it would have been like 75 years ago

This is actually part of a government competition to mark VE day.  More details about the competition can be found here:


If you wish to upload your work to enter the competition then you MUST ask an adult if you can do this and ask them to help you with uploading your work.  The deadline for entries is the 6th May.


Before starting these activities, you MUST let an adult know what you are doing – find a clear area to do this and follow the instructions carefully!

Find out all about the benefits of exercise as well as lots more information here…


Now complete your own exercise:

  • Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30-minute activity twice a week.
  • Personal Best Goal
  • PE at Home challenges

Cosmic Yoga


William Morris is a famous artist and interior designer from the Victorian era. He was fed up of the dullness of the industrial revolution so wanted to add colour to homes. He used nature and repeating floral patterns in his work.

Look at the images below.

Can you now create your own William Morris inspired artwork?

If you have access to the internet, watch this video for a bit of inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgTMiu6J3Jg




This week we are going to look at keeping safe online.  Look at the activity on the overview.  Complete Activities 1 and 2.

If you cannot access the video  then create a poster on how to keep safe online. 

Use the information in the PPT to help you. T-T-4962-Internet-Safety-Powerpoint_ver_7.pps

Music Music:

This week we are going to have some fun and become musical composers.  Find out more about composing here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcbkcj6/articles/z6bsy4j

Pick from one of the options below and compose a 30 second piece of music:

When you have finished composing, click save your work and press ‘Copy link’.  Then go and paste this link into the music dojo portfolio task so I can listen to your composition!  You can also choose to download it to your computer if you wish to.

  • If you haven’t any access to a device then use whatever instruments or materials you have in your house. You could use your hands to clap, your feet to stamp, your own voice etc.  If you are able to, ask someone to film or record your composition and upload this  to DOJO or send to your teacher via your class email address.  If you cannot do this then draw out a storyboard showing your composition.

Remember: The topic you choose to inspire your music is totally up to you – it could be one of the topics we have explored in school such as space or Antarctica or it could be something totally new such as your lockdown experience!  Lyrics are optional!




This week we are going to find out the Seder meal, an important element to the Jewish festival of Pesach, also known as Passover.

Below you will find links to 3 short video clips from BBC Bitesize and some information.  Watch these and look at the information below to find out about Pesach.

Next, either using the template (in the RE Resources folder) or by drawing your own – create a Seder plate to show the special foods that are eaten during a Seder meal.  Annotate your work to explain what the food is and what it represents.  There is also a PPT in the resources folder if you need some help.

Clip 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3n34wx

Clip 2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zx7tfg8

Clip 3: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zytfgk7





We are going to continue with the weather this week. Recap French weather using the video link below.


If you have access to a printer – play a game of snap with the cards (you will find them in the resources folder) or turn them all over and play a game of Pelmanism (pairs) with the cards.







Week 4 (week beginning 27th April 2020) Remote Learning 

The overview for this weeks remote learning can be found Overview Year 5 _ week 4 .pdf

thumbnail of Overview Year 5 _ week 4

Subject and resources Work at home ideas

Reading Journal Activities.pdf



Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Complete 4 reading journal activities from the grid.  Reading Journal Activities.pdf

thumbnail of Reading Journal Activities

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level to  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Find a new book to read on here if you have access to the internet   https://magicblox.com

This week your teacher will arrange a Guided Reading group Zoom for you to take part in.

Look out for DOJO updates on this.

Read your group’s text before your Zoom time – it will be posted on DOJO.


Miss Franks

Miss Judge_

Miss Banks

Mrs Badar

Keep up with the learning of the 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists and complete a section or 2 of your Read Write Inc booklet each day.

These are the units that each group will be working on this week.

·      Mrs Badar – Unit 10

·      Miss Franks – Unit 10 

·      Miss Judge_Miss Banks – Unit 13


English Activities Day 1 and 2.pdf

We are going to look and read a story called The Game this week. It is based on a story called Jumanji (you may have seen the film).

Day 1 Research about Jumanji.  Look at the plot of the new story ‘The Game’.

thumbnail of English Activities Day 1 and 2

English Activities Day 1 and 2.pdf

What are the similarities and differences between the 2 stories?   Complete a double bubble.

Day 2 – Read/listen to the story ‘The Game’ (make predictions when the story pauses). Underline any words you are don’t know the meaning of. Now look these up and find the definitions.  Write sentences using the words you have underlined and found definitions of and also complete the worksheet about definitions.

Day 3 – Read the story again.

Now complete the comprehension questions – these will be uploaded to DOJO for Wednesday.

Day 4 – Relative Clauses.

Complete the worksheet on relative clauses this will be uploaded to DOJO for Thursday.

Day 5 – Let’s look at how changing certain words in a sentence might change the mood.

Now try the sentence Imitation, adjective change and ideas change.

SpaG https://www.teachwire.net/news/7-of-the-best-online-grammar-games-for-ks2   Have a look and play some of these games to practice some grammar skills.

Day 2 Tuesday resources

Day 3 Wednesday resources

Day 4 Thursday

Day 5 Friday



All maths resources


Day 1 Monday:

Please visit the following website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/

Click on Week 2 Lesson 1 Rounding decimals. 

Like last week, use the video clips to help you revise rounding decimals.









Day 2 Tuesday :

We will now be taking a break from the White Rose Resources to revise Place Value.  There is no need to print out the worksheets – you could just record the answers in your home learning book.

1)    Use the link below to watch a video to revise Place Value. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsjqtfr/articles/z9w3g82

2)    Scroll down from underneath the video and click on the pictures. Can you make the numbers?




3)    Keep scrolling down and complete the quiz.


4)    Now, complete the Place Value Reading & Writing sheets  – pick your challenge either Bronze, Silver or Gold – you will find the sheets here Day 2 Tuesday resources.

thumbnail of Bronze_Place-Value-Reading-and-Writing-5-Digit-Numbers thumbnail of Silver_Place-Value-Reading-and-Writing-6-Digit-Numbers thumbnail of Gold_place-value-reading-and-writing-8digit-numbers








Bronze                                     Silver                                      Gold


Day 3 Wednesday:

Today we will continue to revise Place Value.  Pick your level and complete the activities, they can be found in the  Day 3 Wednesday resources 

thumbnail of Bronze_Place-Value-Worksheet thumbnail of Silver_Place-Value-Worksheet


thumbnail of place-value-riddle-challenge-cards–_ver_4



Bronze                                                      Silver                                                       Place Value Riddle Cards


Day 4 Thursday:

Today we will be using our knowledge of Place Value to work through some reasoning questions.  You should try to complete at least 5 questions – you can pick any questions you want to tackle. Remember to read them carefully and show all your workings. The questions and answers for you to check your work can be found in the day 4 Thursday folder   Day 4 Thursday 

thumbnail of PV_reasoning

PV questions


Day 5 Friday Times Table revision

 1)    Spend 20 minutes on TTRS

2)    Find the Multiplication mosaics worksheet in the day 5 folder (you’ll need a printer to print this) Day 5 Friday

thumbnail of multiplication-mosaic-activity

Multiplication Mosaics


Multiplication wheels – copy and complete the ones  from the overview or look in the Day 5 Friday folder and pick one which practices a timetable you find tricky!

thumbnail of multiplication-wheels

Multiplication wheels

You need to multiply the numbers by the middle number and write the answer in the outside ring.


Remember you should be spending an hour on Maths each day.  Extra revision activities can be found below:


·       ‘Rich List’ activity – pick your challenge *, ** or ***

·       Place Value interactive word search : https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/number-and-place-value-within-1-000-000-interactive-word-search-tg-161-newlink

·       Prodigy Maths

·       TTRS

Science Pollination in Flowers/Plants

Look at these videos all about pollination.



Now complete the 2 activities at the bottom of the BBC bitesize video.

Can you create a diagram that shows how plants are pollinated?



Famous Spies

Can you complete some research on a famous spy?

Complete a mini biography about a spy of your choice.

There are also some other activities you can do all about spies – look in the topic folder.


PE Before starting these activities, you MUST let an adult know what you are doing – find a clear area to do this and follow the instructions carefully!

Find out all about the benefits of Exercise as well as lots more information here…


Now complete your own exercise:

·       Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30-minute activity twice a week.

·       Personal Best Goal

·       PE at Home challenges

Art & DT With things you can find around the house, create a model to explain pollination. It could be using lego, different toys, make model… be creative!
Computing Try improving your touch typing:



Music If you play an instrument, practise it.

Spend 10-15 minutes a day listening to music that you enjoy.

Can you tell me what your favourite musician/singer/group are at the moment and why?

French resources folder French Bonjour – This week we are going to learn about the weather.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zj6w2hv  – Watch this short video.  Listen carefully to the different vocabulary used to describe the weather.

Now choose at least one of the activities below to help you revise the weather.  There is also a Powerpoint in the French resources folder which helps you learn and pronounce the vocab.


o   Activity 1 – Practice your vocab by printing, creating and using this French weather fortune teller!  You will need a printer to print this off OR if you’re up for a challenge you could make your own one!

thumbnail of Activity 1_french-weather-fortune-teller

Fortune Teller


o   Activity 2 – Dessine le temps – Draw the weather described in the pictures sheet is in the resources folder and on the overview.  If you haven’t a printer you can simply write out the vocab and draw the weather.

thumbnail of Activity 2 Draw-the-Weather-Worksheet-French

Dessine le temps

o   Activity 3 -Draw a weather map forecast for the week – use French vocabulary to describe each day’s weather.



What does it mean to be Jewish today?

1)    Take 2 minutes and write a list of 10 things that are important to you – things that you care about or things you think are important in your life e.g. football, family.

2)    Watch this short video about Charlie, who is a Jewish.  http://www.viewpure.com/72QaHckhjIw?start=0&end=0

3)    Make a list of the things that matter to Charlie.  How many of these things are to do with his religion – being Jewish?

4)    Compare the things that mattered to you to the things that you listed for Charlie.

a.     Write a few sentences explaining any similarities and differences between the two of you.

5)    Watch this video clip http://www.viewpure.com/73WsIne-FKg?start=0&end=0 and answer the questions below.  Why not draw an image to help explain your answers?

o   Why are the 10 commandments important to the Jewish faith? Remember we looked at the Ten Commandments in Term 4.

o   What do Jewish people believe about God and how they should live?








Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Complete 4 reading journal activities from the thumbnail of Reading Journal Activities


Oxford Owl has reading books for each level too



Find a new book to read on here if you have access to the internet.
















Week 3 (week beginning 20th April 2020) Remote Learning 

The overview for this weeks remote learning can be found here

thumbnail of Overview Year 5 _ week 4

Scroll down to access the links to all the resources required for each subject this week


All resources required for reading activities can be found here: Reading


Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Home Reading book 4 x weekly (this could be a magazine, newspaper…).

Complete 4 reading journal activities from the grid.

Oxford Owl has reading books for each level


Find a new book to read on here if you have access to the internet.



All resources required for Spelling  activities can be found here: Spelling

A break from Read Write Inc Spelling this week and a focus on Year ¾ and Year 5/6 spelling lists.

Try to correct the spelling mistakes on the sheets (you don’t need to print these sheets – just write a list of the correct spellings and then check them with the answers).



All resources required for English activities can be found here: English



SpaG/English – expanded noun phrases

Use the pdf to revise expanded noun phrases.

  • Write expanded noun phrases to describe a character of your choice.
  • Write sentences using the expanded noun phrases your character.
  • Write a paragraph to describe the character including expanded noun phrases.

Remember description doesn’t just have to be telling me what your character looks like: use your senses, think about the manner in which it speaks, moves…


All revision resources can be found here: Maths

Visit the following website:


Select ‘Week 1’.

Here you will find a selection of video clips about decimals.  Please work through one video and the relevant activity each daythese need to be completed in the correct order.  The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is an overview of the week:

Monday – Lesson 1 – Decimals up to 2 dp (decimal places)

Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Decimals as fractions (1)

Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Decimals as fractions (2)

Thursday – Lesson 4 – Understanding thousandths

Friday – Lesson 5 – Thousandths as decimals

Once you have completed the activity, you should then carry out some of the revision activities below.  Remember, you should be spending an hour each day on maths.


 Revision Option 1

Work through these activities to revise your Place Value and formal addition & subtraction skills.  Use the Knowledge organizer to remind you of the methods if you get stuck.  These activities include both arithmetic and problem-solving skills.

These videos may also help you:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsjqtfr/articles/z9w3g82 – Place Value

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy2mn39  – Addition and Subtraction


Where there are not answers, ask an adult to check your work using a calculator. There is a selection of questions for you to work through (you can choose the levels).

Day 1 & 2 – Revising Place Value  (Bronze or Silver – pick your challenge)

Day 3  – Formal Addition (Bronze or Silver – pick your challenge)

Day 4 – Formal subtraction (Bronze or Silver – pick your challenge)

Day 5 – Problem Solving (Pick your challenge *, ** or ***)

Revision Option 2

Arithmetic test – you could a few of these questions each day – you are not expected to complete the whole document in one go!

Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins


Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy Maths (just for fun)





All resources required for Science activities can be found here: Science


Look at the pdf about the different parts of a flower.

Using a real flower, dissect it and label these parts.  If you don’t have a flower, draw on similar to that in the pdf. Then write about what each part’s function is.










All resources required for Topic activities can be found here: Topic


Spies and Espionage

Now create some gadgets that you could use as a spy.  Use persuasive techniques to suggest why this is the best spy gadget to use.

Use the PowerPoint to help you – remember AFOREST for persuasion too.



Before starting these activities, you MUST let an adult know what you are doing – find a clear area to do this and follow the instructions carefully!

Find out all about the benefits of Exercise as well as lots more information here…


Now complete your own exercise:

  • Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30 minute activity twice a week.
  • Personal Best Goal
  • PE at Home challenges

Art & DT

Use Art for kids hub https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub to draw your favourite character or animal.


Try improving your typing:




If you play an instrument, practise it.

Spend 10-15 minutes a day listening to music that you enjoy.


All resources required for French activities can be found here: French


30 minutes of learning about what’s in your pencil case –

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ma trousse?

Use this video to hear the different things you’d find in your school bag.


Design your own pencil case and use the word bank to label it.




What does it mean to be Jewish today?

Complete some research about this question:

Who are Jewish people and what do they believe in?

Here are some website you could use to complete your research:



You could create a collage of information, a Powerpoint, a spider diagram…


Easter Break 2020

Hello everyone.  Here is a selection of activities to keep you busy over the next 2 weeks – pick and choose what you like the look of.

They are designed for KS2 in general (most can be adapted even lower), so the whole family can get involved. 

There is no expectation for you to complete these tasks.  Some of these activities do require a printer but there are many that could also be displayed on a screen. 

Have a great Easter (and eat lots of chocolate)! 

If you would like to show us what you have been doing then please upload them for us to see via your class portfolio on Class Dojo.  

Take Care & Stay Safe Miss Franks & Mrs Badar 🙂

KS2 Easter Overview.pdf

thumbnail of Acts of Kindness Calendar

Acts of Kindness Calendar.pdf

Art ideas

KS2 Art – Zentangles.pdf
Design an Easter Egg.pdf
Maths Activities
KS2 Maths.pdf
Easter Egg Coordinates Activity Sheet.pdf
Easter Egg Division Colour by Number.pdf
Easter Multiplication Mosaics
Differentiated Activity Sheets.pdf
Easter-Egg-Symmetry-Sheets (1).pdf
Reading & Vocabulary activities 
KS2 vocab.pdf
60-Second Reads Easter Activity Pack.
Easter Tale Inference Activity Sheetspdf
Writing Activities
KS2 Writing.pdf
Easter Holiday Snapshots Writing
Easter Spag Mystery Problem-Solving Game.pdf
Easter & other activities
KS2 Various activities.pdfeaster-traditions-in-france-powerpoint.pdf
Easter Jokes Matching Activity.pdf
Lent And Easter Word Search.pdf








Welcome to week 2’s home learning.  Remember to check Class Dojo if you can for regular messages and updates.

Week 2 Week beginning 30th March 
Subject Work at home overview and resources 

Overview Year 5 _ week 2.pdf 2

thumbnail of Overview Year 5 _ week 2


Reading Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Home Reading book 4 x weekly.

Why not write a quick synopsis on Class Dojo about the book you are reading?

Reading– choose your group comprehension task.


Spelling Continue to learn and revise 3/4/5/6 spelling lists.

  • Miss Judge and Miss Bank’s Unit 12
  • Mrs Badar – Unit 12
  • Miss Franks Unit 8/9

All resources can be found by clicking on spelling below:


thumbnail of Miss Franks’s group _dot_and_dash_U9 thumbnail of Miss Judge dot_and_dash_U12 thumbnail of Miss Judge Unit 12 thumbnail of Mrs Bader dot_and_dash_U12 thumbnail of Mrs Bader Unit 12

English & SPAG SPAG Quiz resources can be found here :  SPAG

thumbnail of Grammar and Punctuation Quiz Y5 Test 1

English – see overview.




Maths TTRS daily – please use other methods to learn the tables you are unsure of too.

4 x 30 minutes using activities from the worksheets below, revising the fraction work we have been learning in Term 3 & 4

  • Adding and subtracting fractions worksheets: look at the file names, do activity 1 first, activity 2 then activity 3.
  • Equivalent fractions worksheet activities.
  • Mixed Number and Improper fractions.
  • Arithmetic Test 1a

(remember * = easy ** = slightly harder *** = challenging).

For adding and subtracting fractions work try and follow the order of the file names e.g. activity 1 first.

All maths activities for the week can be found by clicking here : Maths

Use the fraction Knowledge Organiser and the video/s on the web page below to

help you revise our work on fractions,next week we will be revising Place Value.


thumbnail of year-5-fractions-knowledge-organiser_ver_5

Use Prodigy Game as often as you wish.


Science Investigate and explore the force of gravity so you can explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object.


Read through the PPT and Newton fact sheet.  Then using this information have a go at completing the Newton Activity sheet.

Use the Forces Knowledge Organiser and the videos on the webpage below to help you.

thumbnail of Newton Activity Sheet thumbnail of Newton Fact Sheet 




Topic Spies and Espionage

We will be starting a short project around the world of Spies and Espionage!

Start off by creating your own Secret Agent / Spy identity – as a spy it is vital that you keep your true identify hidden.  Use the worksheet to create a false identity to help you stay undetected.

All activity sheets can be found by clicking hereTopic Spies


Before starting these activities, you MUST let an adult know what you are doing – find a clear area to do this and follow the instructions carefully!

Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30 minute activity twice a week.

Cosmic Yoga – Follow link below for an awesome Pokémon Yoga Challenge!


Art & DT thumbnail of listeningtomusic

If you play an instrument, practise it.

Spend 10-15 minutes a day listening to music that you enjoy –fill in the music sheet all about the music you are listening too.


Computing  If you have completed all the activities on the Online Safety and Wellbeing PowerPoint then complete 30 minutes using the tutorials on Scratch online. Choose your own tutorial – for extra challenge find a project that challenges you to use variables!


French 30 minutes of learning colours and clothes

Click here to access the worksheets : French

RE I wonder, what is Holy Communion?

Read through the PowerPoint – here is the link to the video on Slide 4 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zgsb9j6

Task: Create a fact file or short information video (if you have the equipment to record it) about Holy Communion making sure it answers the questions below.

  • I wonder, what is Holy Communion?
  • Why do Christians share bread and wine?
  • What does the wine and bread symbolise?

All resources can be found by clicking here: RE







Week 1




Week beginning 23rd March 2020

Subject Work at home overview and resources 
Reading Reading Plus – as directed by your teacher (feel free to do more if you want).

Home Reading book 4 x weekly

Weekly Comprehension   – find your reading group eg Narnia, Wonderland.

Reading week 1

Spelling Learn and revise 3/4/5/6 spelling lists.

See spelling rule and activities below  – 15minutes 4 x weekly .

Mrs Badar – Unit 11 Miss Franks Unit 6/7 Mrs Judge & Miss Banks Unit 11.

Spelling week 1


thumbnail of 3_4 5_6 spelling list thumbnail of Miss Franks Unit 6 thumbnail of Miss Judge U11 thumbnail of Mrs Bader Unit 11

English & SPAG SPaG – see class dojo for weekly activities.  This week – SPAG Quiz – click on image. thumbnail of Grammar and Punctuation Quiz Y5 Test 1



Writing project on recounts –  The Washington Post

English Week 1 and 2

thumbnail of Pigeon Street Spy Newspaper Report and Tasks

Maths TTRS daily – please use other methods to learn the tables you are unsure of too.

4 x 30minutes using activities posted on class dojo (white rose/twinkl) revising fraction and decimals and Arithmetic test – click on image below for files. Remember the * at the bottom indicate the challenge – 1 * – easy  ***= challenging.

Maths Week 1

thumbnail of t2-m-4636-comparing-and-ordering-fractions-powerpoint-_ver_2 thumbnail of T2-M-276-Fractions-and-Ordering-Activity-Sheet-Differentiated_ver_2 thumbnail of Arithmetic Test 1 Y5 Autumn thumbnail of Arithmetic Answers Y5 Autumn All Tests

Use Prodigy Game as often as you wish.


Science Investigate forces including air resistance, friction, push and pull (Powerpoint and Worksheets).


Topic Create a double page spread about a person/country of interest to you.
PE Devise a 20 minute circuit that you can do daily and keep a fitness log.

Joe Wicks PE session YouTube 30 minute activity.

If you have the equipment available, practise netball throws and shooting.

This is also a great website from the BBC to look at for ideas.

Art & DT With adult supervision help plan and prepare lunch or dinner.
Music If you play an instrument, practise it.

Spend 10-15 minutes a day listening to music that you enjoy.

Computing  Work through Online Safety PPT and activities.


French 30 minutes of worksheets revising colours and clothes.  thumbnail of Colour word mat thumbnail of Design an Outfit Activity Sheet thumbnail of french colours wordsearch

Look in home packs for worksheets.


RE Retell the Easter Story as a comic strip.

RE Week 1

Welcome to Term 4

Science Week Week 3

Such a brilliant start to Science week with everyone arriving as crazy scientists!!

After a fantastic assembly Science workshop by Mr Dale, Year 5 spent the week learning about water resistance, how to test the PH levels of different liquids and materials and the effects of Global Warming on our oceans.  The children are currently testing the effects increased acid levels in our seas has on shells.

Watch this space for some amazing photos. 

Star of the Week this week was awarded to Lottie (Willow Class) for her amazing efforts in Science week. 



Week 2

World Book Day 

Have you exchanged your World Book day voucher yet?

Don’t forget to do so, as there are some fantastic books available for to get for free!

We had a great day in Year 5 with a range of activities all based around our class book ‘ Shackleton’s Journey’.

We had great fun designing and turning our classroom doors into displays based on our book.

Well-done to Willow class who won the competition.





Star of this week this week was awarded to Janani (Maple class) for showing kindness and always working hard in every subject. 










Week 1 & 2 

Hello and welcome to Term 4 – this term we see us continuing our work from term 3 and then some exciting work on forces in our next topic – ‘May the forces be with you!’

Check out our curriculum maps here CM_Term4_Wk 1 – 3     CM_Term 4_Wk 3 – 6 

Save the date for World book day!  
















Welcome to Term 3 – Antarctic Explorers

Curriculum Map:

Check out our Curriculum map_term3 to find out what your child will be learning about.


Reading Plus and TTRS – watch this space for details of termly homework.


PE will be on Thursday (Hockey)  and Fridays (Dance and movement) so please ensure full PE Kit are in school.

During week 5 and 6 we will also have American Football.

Congratulations to Emily in Willow class for being awarded this weeks

*Star of the Week*.



In PE we have been creating Dance routines influenced by our topic of Space in Science. Children worked in groups to create performances incorporating, starting and finishing poses, travelling, rhythm and coordination.

This week we have been studying the composer Gustav Holst; focusing on his works ‘The Planets’.  Inspired by our this music and our learning of Space in Science, we worked in groups (with a range of percussion instruments) to compose music telling a story about each planet in our solar system.




Welcome to Term 2 – Rags to Riches


Curriculum Map:

Check out the Term 2_Overview for this term to find out what your child will be learning about.


Homework_term2 can be found here.

At the end of this term Year 5 will be visiting Kent Life for a Victorian Christmas Workshop. Children are invited to wear Victorian dress.

Check out the website here.

Maths Week  

An amazing week of Maths inspired work including problems solving, code cracking and Maths inspired art.


Boogie Bounce and dance fitness

Year 5 had great fun working out to music both through dance and on small trampolines.

A great fun way to learn about health and fitness.


Yr 5 Marsh Athletics

Wow what an amazing day. Yr 5 demonstrated many of our school values and whatever the result should be justly proud of their achievments.

Watch this space for news of some extraordinary, achieving children….

Week 1: Sophie L Maple Class

Week 2: Sophie L Willow Class

Week 3: Ruby L Maple Class

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Term 1 Year 5

Star of the week

*Week 1 Maya (Willow)

Week 2 Holly (Maple)

Week 4 Lilly (Willow)

Week 5 yet to be revealed!








See Class Dojo for information regarding spelling groups. Current spellings can be found below:


U1 Dahl_

U1 Child_U1



Every Tuesday Year 5 children have been receiving professional tennis coaching.  It has been fanatic watching their skills develop.

Welldone to Maya and Lucy who were both awarded a Golden Ticket which entitles them to tennis coaching at a reduced rate.

Smugglers Entry point

To launch our topic on smugglers the children received a letter from Slippery Sam asking them to design and test a smuggling vessel.

Check out some of their design ideas.


Mrs Badar and Miss Franks would like to welcome you to Year 5.  

We are very excited about the amazing topics and learning journeys we have planned for this year. If you are not already connected to our Class DoJo pages them please connect asap via the invitation sent home this week with your child. These pages will contain information, class photos and so much more to help keep you connected and part of your child’ school life in Year 5.

Term 1

Our focus for this term is on Smuggling, our topic  is called ‘Dark Deeds and Shinning Lights’.  Check out what we are studying across all curriculum areas by looking at our curriculum map – Term 1_Overview.

The Smugglers Song