Football Fun


Well done to all of Year 5, who persevered and gave 100% at the football tournament last Tuesday.

A special mention to St Nicholas first team, who came 4th, just missing out on 3rd place.

All of the children did so well – especially as most of the other competitors were Year 6! St Nicholas may not have won but we had the most fun and danced throughout the day!


Dear Parents/Guardians,

All of Year 5 will be taking part in the Shepway Sports Trust Football League Day. The event will take place on Tuesday 6th March at Three Hills Sport Park between 9am and 3pm.

Transport has been arranged and the children will be departing from school by coach to the venue at 8am and returning at 4pm. Please collect your child from St Nicholas at 4pm.

All children must arrive in PE kit, a jacket, jumper and suitable footwear for OUTDOOR activities. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for all weathers (a waterproof coat may be required) in the schools PE kit – white T-shirt and navy shorts/bottoms. If your child has football boots, shin pads and football socks please bring them on the day.

The children will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty of water to drink throughout the day. There is a water fountain where water bottles can be refilled.

If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal, a packed lunch will be provided for them.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 Team.


Please can you encourage your children to log onto Times Table Rockstars at home. The children have weekly work set on specific tables. Lets try and get to the top of the leaderboard for the Fun Day Friday Assembly challenge.

Well done to Lacey Durling and Roxy Porter, who are our Rockstars of the week and have been several times already!

Log on and see if you can be next weeks Rockstar of the week!


Term 4

Term 4 reminders

Reading Plus

It is expected that every child will be login onto Reading Plus at least twice weekly.  Usernames and letters regarding how to do this have been reissued to all students following requests from parents at consultation evening.  Please see your class teacher if you hare unable to access this sat home and alternative arrangements to access Reading Plus can be arranged in school.



Term 3

Thank you to everyone who has successfully managed to log onto Reading Plus at home.  

A letter was sent home last week with details of how to log on, along with your child’s username and password. Please let me know if you are having any problems. This is a great resource, which will really help your child’s fluency and comprehension.

It is expected that your child will access Reading Plus at least twice weekly.

Welldone to Maple class who won the battle of the bands on Times Table Rockstars.

This week Roxy P was awarded the title of the quickest responder!!  Who will be next to achieve recognition of their handwork?

Maple Awards

Well-done to Frankie S for being awarded Star of the Week and to Tommy A and Frankie S for showing ‘Perseverance’ and being nominated for our ‘Class Value Award.

Willow Awards

Welcome to Year 5

Term 4 Curriculum Map


Book Week 2019

Well done to everyone who dressed up as a book character. What a great day! Check out some of our costumes below.



On Thursday (wk1) both classes took part in their last Hockey coaching session.

A huge thank you to John from the Shepway Sports Trust who made the sessions fun and active 🙂

This term our PE focus is on Gymnastics and Netball.

Tri-Golf – Week 3

We are timetabled for some exciting sporting opportunities such as Tri-Golf and American Football taster sessions!  Watch this space for more information.

Your child will need to keep their full PE KIT in school at all times. 


Ancient Greek – building replicas of Ancient Greek Temples.

As part of our super start for this topic we explored and designed Ancient Greek buildings such as the Parthenon and Temple of Poseidon.

We focused on the structure and design of Greek temples and used junk modelling to replicate them.

After construction, we carefully selected the colours, painted and decorated our buildings.

This term we will be learning all about Ancient Greece.

Thank you to those of you who have brought in junk modelling materials for us to start creating replicas of Ancient Greek Temples.


Week 4 : Well done to Daniel (Willow Class) who was awarded Star of the week for showing perseverance and super effort in all areas. 

Week 3 : Well done to Angel P (Maple Class) who was awarded Star of the week for great effort with her English.

Week 2 : Well done to… (Willow Class) who was awarded Star of the week for …

Week 1 : Well done to Piper (Maple Class) who was awarded Star of the week for her hard work and perseverance in English.



Click here for this unit’s word bank : Unit5



Welcome to Term 4 

On Thursday both classes took part in their last Hockey coaching session.

A huge thank you to John from the Shepway Sports Trust who made the sessions fun and active 🙂

This term our PE focus is on Gymnastics and Netball.

We are also timetabled for some exciting sporting opportunities such as Tri-Golf and American Football taster sessions!  Watch this space for more information.  Your child will need to keep their full PE KIT in school at all times. 

This term we will be learning all about Ancient Greece.

Thank you to those of you who have brought in junk modelling materials for us to start creating replicas of Ancient Greek Temples.


Week 1 Well done to Piper (Maple Class) who was awarded Star of the week for her hard work and perseverance in English. 






This week we have been looking at the prefix inter-.

Click here for this unit’s word bank : Unit5



Welcome to week 3

Hello, our spelling focus for week 3 and 4 is on adding the prefix auto-.

Unit 3

 Week 3 Term 3 was awarded to ????? (Maple).

Welcome to week 2

Hello, our spelling focus for week 2 and 3 is on words ending in zhuh spelt -sure.

Unit 2

Homework – Due Wednesday 23rd January


 Week 2 Term 3 was awarded to Ellie May (Willow).

Welcome to week 1


Our spelling focus for week 1 and 2 is on adding the prefix mis- and revising un-, in-, dis-.

Your child will be formally tested every Wednesday. Please encourage you child to learn these words.


Unit 1

 Week 1 Term 3 was awarded to Harry D for his excellent effort in Topic.  

Harry worked hard to produce a non-chronological report all about Antarctica. 

Happy New Year  and welcome to Term 3

Year 5_curriculum map Term 3

Spelling Focus

This week our spelling focus is on adding the prefix mis- and revising un-, in-, dis-.

Wk1_Unit1 Here is a word bank of the spellings we will be revising and learning in class.



They are still a few parents who are not connected to ClassDojo.  We have both issued invitations today.  Please let us know if you have any problems connecting.












Book Lists

Hello, a few parents, at parents evening, asked about books we would recommend for their child to read.

The link below is to a great site, which regularly publishes book reviews and recommendation lists. 🙂


 Friday 7th December: Congratulations to Harry D’A  of Maple Class for being awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for his excellent effort and hard work in Maths. 


Spelling lists

Every day we revise and learn spellings.  These spellings are taken in the first instance, from the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 spelling lists (National Curriculum).  The lists were given out at parents evening but in case they have been misplaced you can download them from here.  Daily revision of these spelling will really help your child reach age expected standards.



 Friday 8th November : Congratulations to Angel P of Maple Class for being awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for her excellent effort and attitude towards her learning. 

Please remember to record your reading on your bookmark or your reading log.




Our current leaders are still Kyra (Maple) and Samuel (Willow), with an astounding average speed of 1.33 and 0.96 seconds to answer a question correctly.

Can anyone knock them off the top spot? 



Welcome to Term 2 


We hope you have a great holiday and look forward to seeing you all back in term 2.


Congratulations to Maple class for winning Buster Book Club.

An astounding amount of minutes were recorded with nearly everyone reading for at least 20 minutes.

I hope you all enjoy your swimming vouchers!

Congratulations to Maddison in Maple class for being awarded this week’s ‘Star of the Week’. 


So many Year 5 children were awarded certificates for their efforts with Times Table Rock Stars.  Our current leaders are Kyra (Maple) and Samuel (Willow), with an astounding average speed of 1.11 and 0.96 seconds to answer a question correctly.

Can anyone knock them off the top spot? 



Just a reminder that this term’s home learning can be found by clicking on the link below.

Due 15th October 2018.


Hello and Welcome 🙂 

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 web pages for Willow and Maple.  On these pages you will find information about what is going on in our classrooms and your child’s learning.


Congratulations to Daisy in Willow class for being awarded this week’s ‘Star of the Week’.  



This term’s home learning can be found by clicking on the link below.


Week 4

Mathletics competition 

How many points can you collect this week?

You can earn points for completing activities linked to your learning in class or by playing against ‘the world’. Good luck.


Week 4

Week 4 – Monday 29th January 2018

Homework Due Thursday 1st February.

2 x 20 minute sessions on Reading Plus 

1 x 20 minute session on Times Table Rock-stars.

Thank you to everyone who has successfully managed to log onto Reading Plus at home.  

A letter was sent home last week with details of how to log on, along with your child’s username and password. Please let me know if you are having any problems. This is a great resource, which will really help your child’s fluency and comprehension.

It is expected that your child will access Reading Plus at least twice weekly.

Welldone to Maple class who won the battle of the bands on Times Table Rockstars.

This week Roxy P was awarded the title of the quickest responder!!  Who will be next to achieve recognition of their hardwork?

Maple Awards

Well-done to Frankie S for being awarded Star of the Week and to Tommy A and Frankie S for showing ‘Perseverance’ and being nominated for our ‘Class Value Award.

Willow Awards

Week 4 – Monday 20th November

Road Safety Week

To help keep you safer on the roads all children will have the chance this term to take a ‘Road safety skill tests’.  Children will have the opportunity to take the test at bronze, silver or gold.  

More information about this will follow shortly, but in the meantime why not brush up on road safety awareness by reading Tales of the Road .


Mathletics competition

How many points can you collect this week? You can earn points for completing activities linked to your learning in class (Place value, the 4 operations and fractions) or by playing against ‘the  world’. Good luck.

 Homework – Week 3 Homework

thumbnail of Homework _wk3

Due Wednesday 22nd November

Week 3

Please can you collect newspapers from home and bring them into school. We need a variety of newspapers and magazines for an art project as our topic this term is ‘Making The News’.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 team.

Cross Country Success!

A massive congratulations to everyone in Year 5 that took part in the Cross Country Competition at Dymchurch Primary School last week. All children had to run a distance of 1600m and showed great determination and perseverance. Unfortunately we just missed out on getting a medal. Well done again, you should all be proud of yourselves 🙂




Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 Team.