Please login to Oxford Owl to access free reading books online.
You will have a login stuck at the front of your child’s reading record.
Username: yr5_willow
Password: willow123
Year 5 team.
“Learning, loving and encouraging through Christ.”
Please login to Oxford Owl to access free reading books online.
You will have a login stuck at the front of your child’s reading record.
Username: yr5_willow
Password: willow123
Year 5 team.
Mathletics should now be up and running again.
Pupil logins have been stuck in your child’s homework diary on the back page.
This is a great resource to support your child at home.
You can access Mathletics on a computer, laptop and a tablet.
Each week we will be adding new tasks and we will be checking to see who our Mathletics champions of Year 5 are!
If you have any issues or questions please speak to your class teacher.
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 team.
As preparation for our next topic unit Making The News (Term 2) could we kindly ask you to collect as many examples of local and national newspapers, as well as consumer and interest magazines (appropriate to the age of your child).
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 team.
Well done to everyone that is reading and recording on their bookmarks for Buster’s Book club. Who can take the KS2 trophy this week,Willow or Maple?
Just a polite reminder that you should be reading a minimum of 4 times a week at home.
We celebrated World Space Week in Science this week.
In groups we chose a planet that we wanted to research and created a persuasive argument why our chosen planet should be chosen next for human exploration. We then presented our findings to the class and selected the most persuasive argument as the winner.
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 team.
For the Harvest Festival Service we wrote poems about two fruits of the spirit.
In Willow class we wrote poems about faithfulness and in Maple class we wrote poems about Goodness.
We also thought about what we should be thankful for.
Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated with us today and for all your kind donations.
Year 5 team.
In Art this Term we are focusing on Vincent van Goth. Using crayons we created our own versions of Vincent van Goth – The Starry Night.
Please can you continue to practise your Times Tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. Who can be the first person to move up a level in Year 5 this academic year?
In addition to this continue to read for the Busters Book Club. Children should be reading for 20 minutes every night. Can Willow or Maple take the trophy this week?
In Art we have been looking at Vincent van Goth. We would like you to research Vincent van Goth and create a fact file. Including information such as: Where was he born? Did he always want to be an artist? What was his most famous piece? How many paintings did he sell when he was alive?
Due: 04.10.17
Star of the Week from Willow Class is Kai Anthony 🙂
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 team.
Starting this week is the SALUS Participation Project.
Watch this space for details about Mathletics.
This week we will be electing our school council members. Applicants need to write a speech detailing why they want to be elected as a school councillor. Both classes will vote and elect one member per class. Deadline date: 28/09/17.
Playground buddies application forms have now been received and training will take place for the successful applicants.
Please can we politely remind you that PE is every THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Make sure your child’s named PE kit is in school. Earrings must be taken out for ALL PE lessons. PE will take place in all weathers, rain or shine. Ensure your child has the appropriate named clothing in school E.g. tracksuit and waterproofs. Please speak to the office if you are unsure.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday. Just a reminder, your child should be fluent in all times tables up to 12 x 12 (Gold/Platinum). If you need any suggestions on how you could support your child please come and speak to your class teacher.
Star of the week from Maple Class is Roxy Porter 🙂
Thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 team.
In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring” Why not ask your child about these stories? Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.
In Maths we have started the year off by investigating Place Value.
In Science we will be exploring the solar system.
‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic. Watch this space for more information.
Thank you to all students who have already brought in their PE kits. PE is on a Thursday afternoon.
Any questions?
Please feel free to email us.