Star of the Week

Well done to Tilly for some excellent maths work this week. She has demonstrated a super understanding of multiplying and dividing fractions.

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Community

Our community award went to Joseph for being a super class member.


St. Barnabas Award:

Leon was awarded our encourager certificate for working well in groups.


Transparent Night Clipart - Book School Reading Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

This week our reader of the week was Joshua. He has been reading to some of the younger children at after school club which is very commendable! Well done Josh!


Aaliyah was awarded the kindness superhero sticker.

Josh received our ‘one kind word’ award for being an outstanding friend and secret angel this week.

Elm also won the TTRS trophy!

Star of the Week

Henley was awarded the Star of the Week award for really knuckling down with all his assessments.

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Community

Hollie is always helping others within the school community – well done!


St. Barnabas Award:

Joshua R was awarded the encourager award for being really helpful to his peers during science this week!


Transparent Night Clipart - Book School Reading Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Sophie has been working hard on her reading this week – well done!


Star of the Week!

Thomas has made a super start to the new term and has shown a strong interest in our new topic of WW2.  Well done!

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Community

Stevie received our values award this week for continually showing great community spirit within the class – amazing work!


St. Barnabas Award:

Neil always has a positive attitude towards his learning, which encourages his peers.


Transparent Night Clipart - Book School Reading Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Eva often reads up to, and sometimes over, 6 times a week! Super efforts Eva – keep it up!