Stars of the Week

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Well done to the whole of Year 6 for some fantastic learning over the past few weeks – we are very proud.


We would also like to thank your parents and adults at home for supporting you with your learning!


Mrs Lee and Mrs Firth

Week 7

Year 6 – Week 7

We are moving over to using the Oak National Academy Website for our home learning activities. Please find below links to each subject and the activities we would like the children to complete. Remember, everything we provide is here to give you ideas. If you have been completing other things that work for your child, please continue to do so.

We will be working one week behind the suggested activities, so we are following week 4 (w/b 11th May).

English You will need to scroll down to ‘Genre Focus: Instructions’, alternatively you can select this from the ‘Topic’ icon at the top.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Instructions lesson 1: reading focus Instructions lesson 2: reading focus Instructions lesson 3: identifying features Instructions lesson 4: sentence openers Instructions lesson 5: writing instructions


Maths will need to scroll down to ‘Coordinates and Shapes’, alternatively you can select this from the ‘Topic’ icon at the top.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lesson 1 – To describe coordinate positions on a grid. Lesson 2 – To translate simple shapes. Lesson 3 – To reflect simple shapes. Lesson 4 – To solve practical coordinate problems. Lesson 5 – To solve practical coordinate problems.


Foundation subjects:

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day. PE can be completed as often as you wish. You may find it easier to access the foundation subjects from the following link: remember that are working from week 4.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

To write an essay about the First and Second World Wars.

Use your knowledge from school.   You may want to look back at previous lessons on this website.

Faith at Home






Which organisms lived during each era of time?


To write an essay about the First and Second World Wars (continued).


To identify pulse and rhythm in music.


Don’t forget to access the following websites …


Stars of the Week

Image result for star of the week


Well done to Josh for some excellent work this week – I loved his music video.

Well done to George G for some good writing and for always having a sense of humour.



Well done to Piper for continuing to work hard – keep it up.

Well done to Sharna for some super writing this week.

Week 6 – SPaG

Sorry – this was missed off!

Please complete one worksheet from each document. You can complete more if you wish. D is the simplest and GD is the most challenging.  There is an explanation document for each subject.

Monday and Tuesday – Parenthesis
Wednesday and Thursday – Expanded Noun Phrases
Friday – write some examples of your own using parenthesis and expanded noun phrases.

Week 6 – Overview

Please find attached the overview  for week 6.


We have also attached the activities in one document.  These may vary slightly in places to the activities below, as this document does not require the Internet (e.g. the maths doesn’t link to the website but does have explanations that have been taken from the site).  Please use whichever version that works best for you!

Week 6 – Reading

Daily Reading Plus activities

Daily reading of Reading Book
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

Week 6 – Spelling


Children can choose activities to complete.


Complete the following activities:

There is a selection of worksheets to work through:

Day 1 – read over the information sheet and make notes (you can create a poster if you want to).
Day 2 – ‘Dots and Dashes’
Day 3 – Word changers
Day 4 – Find the right word
Day 5 – ask an adult to test you on the words that you have been practising.