Week 6 – Maths

The following websites have an explanation of each topic (slides or a video clip). There are also activities linked to these. These can be accessed from our webpage or the link for each day. Please ignore the dates.

Many of these activities have different levels of challenge. * is the easiest and *** is the most challenging. If you know you struggle with fractions, take a look at these online lessons.

Monday – Order of operations
Tuesday – What do you remember about fractions?
Create a poster or make some notes.
Wednesday – Simplifying fractions
Thursday – Compare and order fractions
(you can complete the suggested activities online or the ones that we have included – the online ones involve printing and are quite tricky)
Friday – arithmetic test

If you know you struggle with fractions, take a look at this sequence of online lessons.


Revision (optional):
Daily arithmetic for different areas of maths. Your child should aim to work on level 4, 5 and 6 activities.

Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins
Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy Maths (just for fun)


Week 6 – Topic

Climate Zones

Look at the PPT.

Task 1: Match the description the correct climate and graph. You could simply number the descriptions, write the climate name and the letter of the graph e.g. Description 1, Polar, C.

Task 2: Use an atlas (could be online) to work out which climate zone each location belongs to.

Week 6 – PE

The Body Coach
Short routines such as the link below could be carried out daily.

Super Movers
This website has a variety of simple routines and allows you to revise key areas.


Athletics challenge card
Work through the ‘Jumps’ challenges – can you earn the ‘Gold Medal’?
Have you improved upon your performance from last week?

Week 6 – DT

Ongoing activities.

Continue to work on your chosen project

1. Soap dispenser
2. PPE face mask
3. Nutritious food
4. Protective and practical apron
5. Transportation device e.g. a trolley

You should now be on ‘activity 3’.

If you are unable to make the item in a few weeks’ time, don’t panic – you can always design something else instead.

Week 6 – Computing and Music

Listen to a range of music and sounds e.g. birds singing, the ticking of a clock or the banging of a hammer. List the sounds you heard then comment on how they made you feel and what they made you think about.

Have a look at the website below and see if you can create similar sounds to the ones that you have already observed.


You could consider adding a voice – this could be by adding whistling humming or singing.

You may find these guides useful:


Can you create ‘We Will Rock You’?

Stars of the Week

Image result for star of the week


Well done to Samuel and Owen in Elm class.  Both boys continue to work to a high standard – keep it up!


Well done to Molly in Oak class for always having a smile on her face, including when she is exercising to Jo Wicks!