Week 6 – DT

Ongoing activities.

Continue to work on your chosen project

1. Soap dispenser
2. PPE face mask
3. Nutritious food
4. Protective and practical apron
5. Transportation device e.g. a trolley

You should now be on ‘activity 3’.

If you are unable to make the item in a few weeks’ time, don’t panic – you can always design something else instead.

Week 6 – Computing and Music

Listen to a range of music and sounds e.g. birds singing, the ticking of a clock or the banging of a hammer. List the sounds you heard then comment on how they made you feel and what they made you think about.

Have a look at the website below and see if you can create similar sounds to the ones that you have already observed.


You could consider adding a voice – this could be by adding whistling humming or singing.

You may find these guides useful:


Can you create ‘We Will Rock You’?

Stars of the Week

Image result for star of the week


Well done to Samuel and Owen in Elm class.  Both boys continue to work to a high standard – keep it up!


Well done to Molly in Oak class for always having a smile on her face, including when she is exercising to Jo Wicks!

Week 5 – Overview

Here is an overview for the week ahead.  Further information and documents can be found below.


Please note – Friday is a Bank Holiday, therefore we have only set 4 days of English and Maths.  It is up to you whether or not any learning is completed on this day.  We have included lots of activities for VE Day, so you might like to pick and choose from these (there is no expectation to complete them all).


If you have any questions, please send a message via Dojo to Mrs Lee or Mrs Firth.

Week 5 – Reading

Daily Reading Plus activities

Daily reading of Reading Book
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

Week 5 – Spelling

Children can choose activities to complete.


Complete the following activities:

There is a selection of worksheets to work through:

Day 1 – read over the information sheet and make notes (you can create a poster if you want to).
Day 2 – ‘Dots and Dashes’
Day 3 – Word changers
Day 4 – Find the right word

Week 5 – English and SPaG

English and SPaG are combined this week:

Work through the activities in the booklet, ‘Doors – The World of Possibility. These tasks should be carried out in the correct order.

Here is a suggestion as to how you may wish to timetable these.

Monday – Activities 1 and 2.
Tuesday – Activity 3 is optional. Activities 4 and 5.

Wednesday – Activities 6 and 7.
Thursday – Activity 8

Activities 9 and 10 will be completed next week!

Online: (optional daily challenge)
The following website contains videos of famous authors setting you a 10-minute writing challenge. Choose one that you like the look of and away you go!

10 Minute Challenges