Week 5 – RE

Look at the pictures of the cathedral. What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it?
How would it compare a more traditional cathedral e.g. Canterbury Cathedral?
Is this somewhere that you would like to worship in?

Stars of the Week

Image result for star of the week


Well done to Bronwyn and Rhys in Elm class.  Bronwyn continues to work hard and make Mrs Lee laugh.  Rhys has worked hard this week.


Well done to Max in Oak class for his continued hard work and great community spirit.

The Book of Hopes


This is a link to a free e-book.

It is dedicated to the heroes of this pandemic and contains a variety of short extracts from many different children’s authors.

Please do encourage your children to read it.

Week 4 – Reading

Daily Reading Plus activities

Daily reading of Reading Book
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

See resource for ideas when reading.

Week 4 – Spelling

Children can choose activities to complete.



There is a selection of worksheets to work through:

Day 1 – read over the information sheet and make notes (you can create a poster if you want to).
Day 2 – ‘Dots and Dashes’
Day 3 – Word changers
Day 4 – Choose the right word
Day 5 – ask someone to test you on some of the words that you have been learning.

Week 4 – SPaG and English



Please work through the following activities:
– Verbs
– Adjectives
– Conjunctions
– Modal verbs part 1 and 2

You may find the following link useful:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4y492p there are

some alternative / additional activities for verbs and modal verbs too.


Online: (optional daily challenge)
The following website contains videos of famous authors setting you a 10-minute writing challenge. Choose one that you like the look of and away you go!

10 Minute Challenges


Write a balanced argument about the statements below. These can be completed in any order and one should be completed each day:

• Should girls be allowed to play football with boys?
• Should dogs be banned from parks?
• Should school uniform be compulsory?
• Should all children be entitled to pocket money?
• Should children be limited to one hour’s access to the internet per day?

You should plan the arguments for and against (you could use a list or a mind map) before you start writing. You may want to have a discussion with your family first.

Think about how you structure your arguments – look at the documents to help you (you may decide not to use these). There is an example about Homework being banned.