Week 5 – Maths

The following websites have an explanation of each topic (slides or a video clip). There are also activities linked to these. These can be accessed from our webpage or the link for each day. Please ignore the dates.

Many of these activities have different levels of challenge. * is the easiest and *** is the most challenging.

Monday – Negative Numbers https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjbk8xs
Tuesday – Problem Solving
Wednesday – Short and long multiplication
Thursday – Common factors, multiples and prime numbers

Revision (optional):
Daily arithmetic for different areas of maths. Your child should aim to work on level 4, 5 and 6 activities.


Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins
Battles will be set on a regular basis.


Prodigy Maths (just for fun)


Week 5 – Topic

VE Day activities

There are a variety of activities on this website:

Dan Snow’s VE Day Challenge

There are also some competitions – please seek your parents’ permission before entering anything.

You can pick and choose from these activities.

Week 5 – PE

The Body Coach
Short routines such as the link below could be carried out daily.

Super Movers
This website has a variety of simple routines and allows you to revise key areas.


Athletics challenge card
Work through the ‘Jumps’ challenges – can you earn the ‘Gold Medal’? We will be repeating this over the next few weeks to allow you to improve.

Week 5 – DT (continued from last week)

Ongoing activities.

Continue to work on your chosen project (started last week).

1. Soap dispenser
2. PPE face mask
3. Nutritious food
4. Protective and practical apron
5. Transportation device e.g. a trolley

You should now be on ‘activity 2’.

Each ‘project’ is also available in its own document in a larger font.

If you are unable to make the item in a few weeks’ time, don’t panic – you can always design something else instead.

Week 5 – RE

Look at the pictures of the cathedral. What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it?
How would it compare a more traditional cathedral e.g. Canterbury Cathedral?
Is this somewhere that you would like to worship in?