Week 4 – Art

Practise sketching hair. You can sketch your own hair by looking in a mirror or sketch somebody else’s.

Use the document for guidance.


There are plenty of tutorials available online. Here is just one example:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKuZfeeNNBM (don’t worry if you don’t have all of the equipment – a pencil is just fine).

Week 4 – DT. This is an ongoing project.

You have a choice of 5 projects to carry out over the next few weeks. You have been asked to design and make one of the following.

1. Soap dispenser
2. PPE face mask
3. Nutritious food
4. Protective and practical apron
5. Transportation device e.g. a trolley

This week’s options have been highlighted. The tasks for the next few weeks are available to see how the task progresses.

Each ‘project’ is also available in its own document in a larger font.

If you are unable to make the item in a few weeks’ time, don’t panic – you can always design something else instead.

Week 4 – RE

Explore the following statement:

It is better to worship in a Cathedral or Church because it is ‘the House of God’.

Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thinking.

You may want to think about how we worship at school or the current lockdown that we are all experiencing. Think about all the features of a church that you looked at last week.

Reading – week 3

Daily Reading Plus activities

Daily reading of Reading Book
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

See resource for ideas when reading.