
The Body Coach

Super Movers
This website has a variety of simple routines and allows you to revise key areas.

Create your own fitness routine and teach your family.



Create a poster / information sheet about:
1) Where the main drought areas are in the world (you could include a map)
2) The main causes of drought.
3) The main effects of drought.

Have a look at the PowerPoint to help you (there are some videos too). You may also want to carry out further research online.





Choose a character and then visit electricity basics. After that visit simple circuits.

Then …
Offline (can be completed by looking at resources):
Create a simple circuit with an explanation as to how it works. Be creative – you could draw it or make it (out of cardboard, paper or other things). You could take a photo and send it with an explanation of how it works.



Daily Reading Plus activities – 30 mins

Daily reading of Reading Book – 20 mins.
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

See resource for ideas when reading.

Maths 2

Arithmetic – 10 mins
Practise questions that you find difficult. If you click on ‘whole paper just this question’, you can print a paper with just this question type (It can be displayed on the screen if you cancel the printing dialogue box and questions can be answered in books if you do not want to print).


Offline: – 30 mins
Attached are daily revision activities that cover arithmetic, problem solving and some other challenges. They also have most of the answers.

Video clips and the associated activities (daily)

All Home Lessons

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins
Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy Maths (just for fun)

Maths 1


Offline and online:
Problem solving – 20 mins
A selection of tasks are provided for each day – some are very long, so children can select questions. Many problems are repeated on different sheets as they fit into different categories. Some of these have links to YouTube which show how the task could be completed.



English – 1 hour


The next genre that we were due to cover in class was persuasive writing, so we will carry on as best we can.

Letter of persuasion. Read the letter addressed to Mr Dale. Write a letter in response, persuading Mr Dale to keep break times (you can persuade him to get rid of break times if you wish).

Use A.F.O.R.E.S.T to explore different persuasive techniques, writing at least one example for each. The ideas do not need to be linked e.g. one could be about persuading someone to visit a holiday resort and the other could be completely different!


Look at the photos of a rundown holiday resort. Using the A.F.O.R.E.S.T persuasive technique, try to convince someone to go there. Basically, you are writing a holiday brochure for a terrible place (see example).

Thursday and Friday:
Create a holiday brochure for a location of your choice, trying to explain why people should visit. It can be based on a real location, partly based on a real location or completely made up! You may want to do this over a doble page or make an actual booklet.