Author: year6
Home Learning – week 1 resources
Here you can find all of the resources in one place!
All of these resources can also be found on the Class Dojo page.
Home Learning – week 1
Here is an overview for the week ahead. We plan to post this on a Friday. This is new for all of us, so we will see how we get on. Most of these activities can be completed in Home Learning books or on paper. Please don’t feel that you have to print anything. We have tried to strike a balance of screen and non-screen activities. The children can submit activities via ‘portfolios’ on Dojo
if they wish (we will occasionally set tasks on there too).
Tasks / attachments will be added over the next few days.
I would strongly recommend having a routine / structure to your day – I would advise against trying to mimic the school day. Think about what will work best for you!
My top tips would be:
1. Complete an English, Maths and SPaG activity daily.
2. Read books or log on to Reading Plus.
3. One other subject.
Have fun!
Here is a copy of Morgan’s story: ‘Alma’
Science Week
The children have had lots of fun this week carrying out a variety of experiments and learning about different scientists.
Elm class had great fun exploring how much weight a giant helium balloon could lift.
Mr Dale kicked off science week with a jam packed assembly with a variety of fun experiments.
Commonwealth Day – 09.03.20
World Book Day 2020
Elm class had great fun dressing up as their favourite book characters. They also enjoyed reading to children in the reception classes and year 1. One of our activities included decorating our class door as the ‘Chokey’ from Matilda.
Oak class enjoyed reading ‘Scribbleboy’ and writing about their favourite characters.
Star of the Week
Morgan has written a fantastic suspense story this week. Keep up the good work!
WW2 Day
Year 6 celebrated the end of their history topic in style! Many of the children dressed up in a WW2 themed costume and spent the day carrying out a variety of activities linked to the topic. These included: baking Ration Cookies, with limited ingredients; needlework, for ‘Make Do and Mend’; planting seeds, like the Land Girls, and in the afternoon, parents were invited in to see all of the fabulous learning that has taken place.
A great time was had by all.