“Learning, loving and encouraging through Christ.”
Last week, Year 6 visited Dover Castle as their exit point for The Tudors and the entry point for WW2. We took part in a ‘Secret Codes and Ciphers workshop’ and learnt about Operation Dynamo.
We used bread and sweets to learn how fossilisation occurs. The children placed the sweets in between the bread and placed a heavy book on top to show how layers of sedimentary rock and minerals form over time. After a few days, we were able to see how the shape of the sweet was indented on the bread.
Well done to Daniel and Jasmine who are Elm’s latest ‘Stars of the Week’. Both children are model pupils.
Keep up the good work!
Year 6 visited Canterbury Cathedral on Wednesday. We had the opportunity to reflect and pray. There were workshop activities such as: stone masonry, charters, stained glass windows, sculpture, music and book making.
Mrs Liddell and a group of children created a wonderful banner which we walked through the Cathedral as part of a procession.
Some children read out prayers to the congregation. They did a great job!
Last term Year 6 learnt some different Tudor Dances. This enabled us to link our topic and PE lessons. We learnt how to do a Tudor Farandole – this was great fun:
Then we learnt the Horses Branle (this was a little more tricky as we had to remember the steps!)
Then we had a go at creating our own versions of the Horse Branle.
We look forward to showing these to you at a Tudor event we are planning for this term.