Safety in Action


Year 6 enjoyed learning about staying safe when taking part in the ‘Safety in Action’ workshops at the Three Hills.  The workshops included: e-safety, fire and rescue, drugs and alcohol, first aid, the railway and transport, lifeboat and the importance of attending school.

Easter Home Learning – Due 08.05.19

KS2-Maths-Knowledge-Organiser-for-SATs KS2-Maths-KO-quiz

Please look at the ‘Maths Knowledge Organiser’ and highlight any areas that you would like some additional help with after Easter.  There is also a quiz to complete.

This is not due in until 08.05.19, but some children may like to hand this in sooner in order for the year 6 team to support them further.

Please continue to read and log on to Mathletics, Reading Plus and TTRS over the holidays.


Have a good break!

Home Learning

1. Please complete the next test in the SATs booklet.
2. Spellings (attached)
3. Reading. Please remember that your child will earn a raffle ticket if he or she reads 5 times each week (2 raffle tickets for 7days).

Have a good weekend!


WW2 Day

As part of the Fantastic Finish to our topic, we held a WW2 day. Children were invited to dress as evacuees for the day. We took part in a range of activities, such as:

Make do and mend

Children brought in an unwanted piece of material and up-cycled these into a new and useful items – just as they had to do during WW2.

Dig for Victory

Children learnt about the Dig for Victory campaign and the importance of growing food at home. They then potted their own broad beans which will be cared for until May when they will be planted outside. If they survive, these will be harvested in July. They created their own propaganda poster.

Ration cookies

Linked to our DT last term, children made their own cookies for the second time. This time, they were able to experiment with flavours and added some alternative ingredients. These were shared at the end of the day with family members who attended our open classroom event.

Code Breaking

The children spent time cracking codes using Morse Code and they used Cryptograms to create their own Top Secret messages.

It was great to see so many parents at our open classroom event.