What are the teachers reading?

I have just finished reading ‘The House with Chicken Legs’ by Sophie Anderson.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will now be adding it to Elm’s Book Corner to be enjoyed by others.

Image result for the house with chicken legs


Marinka dreams of a normal life, where her house stays in one place long enough for her to make friends. But her house has chicken legs and moves on without warning. For Marinka’s grandmother is Baba Yaga, who guides spirits between this world and the next. Marinka longs to change her destiny and sets out to break free from her grandmother’s footsteps, but her house has other ideas…


I look forward to being able to add some book reviews from the children on here!


Mrs Lee

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Please note that this email address should not be used to communicate with the school – please continue to contact us in the usual way.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lee


This week children have been asked to complete the Modal verb worksheet. We have been working on Modal verbs in class.

They should also attempt to complete all of their Reading Plus activities and can also spend some time on TTRS.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Longman and Mrs Lee